for any potential confusion about when political posts in this blog would
appear. I have a certain thing as to when I can do certain blog posts. Anyways,
since I talked about the primary that the Democrats are having for president, I
might as well talk about the one that Republicans are having. There are other
Republicans besides Trump in the election. I’m kind of saddened by how little
focus any of them are getting in the news. People should know that Trump is not
the only Republican running for president next year. But that’s not the only
RNC is meddling in their own election process. The same people who thought that
Bernie Sanders was rigged to lose are making it harder for anyone other than
Trump to win the primary next year. For one, they are refusing to hold any
official debates. Secondly, they are cancelling the primaries in various
states. I have no idea if this means that the states that aren’t cancelling
primaries get more delegates or not. While you may hear Republicans correctly
state that the Democrats did this in 2012 and 1996, you can quickly point out
that there were no others in the race then to make it matter. Republicans also
cancelled primaries in 1992 when Bush I had a challenger in the Republican
date, the states that I know for sure are cancelling primaries are Kansas,
South Carolina, Nevada, Alaska, and Arizona. Minnesota did something similar by
putting only Trump’s name on the ballot on their state. Now some of these
people running have to make sure that they are on all the ballots in the states
that will do primaries. There have already been mistakes made.
is interesting and oddly appropriate how the Republican Party is being
undemocratic about how the voting process works. Of course, Democratic and
democratic are actually different in some ways. But I might as well get to who
is in the primary.
Trump had been an absolute failure as president. In my mind, only very few
people have been worse presidents. His strange cult of followers insists that
he is great or that it doesn’t quite matter if he’s racist as long as his
supposed greatness is intact. Of course, not all of his fans admit that he is
racist. But it doesn’t matter. His term is going to end sooner rather than
later and I don’t see a path to him winning in 2020. But his primary opponents
aren’t much better in terms of if they are good.
Weld was the first person besides Trump to enter the race. According to some
timelines, he was in the race longer than Trump. Bill is very moderate, but
doesn’t seem to have any strong ways with the Republican Party. His liberal
side is the worst of it. He was once a Libertarian and was their candidate for
vice-president in 2016. I shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss him, but what he
thinks seems to be all over the place.
Walsh was an Illinois state representative who didn’t last that long in office.
He seems to have a rivalry with Tammy Duckworth, the junior US senator from Illinois.
She has pointed out a lot of the controversy he has caused, such as when he
claimed he would grab his musket if Trump would lose the presidency. Why is he
running against Trump? Apparently, Joe has seen the light and knows what a
terrible person Trump is. There could be hope for him thus far. He is not a
candidate I would abandon the Democratic primary to vote for. But he might be a
good enough person if you were going to do that.
Stanford is quite an immoral person. Unlike Trump, he has experience as he was
a US Congressman before becoming governor of North Carolina. He then
disappeared for a while and it turned out that it was to have an affair. He
doesn’t seem to have done anything illegal to do that, as far as I know, which
I could be wrong about. He then returned to Congress where he voted against
Trump 11% of the time, earning his ire and causing Mark to lose the next
primary. This makes me wonder if his run is simply about revenge. But he might
be the challenger in the race with the most experience.
are more candidates in the race, including a white supremacist and Holocaust
denier. Of the main people, there are no truly good or outstanding candidates.
It doesn’t seem like any of them should be president ever, especially Trump.
But if I had to pick one that I think that people should vote for that I’d
actually want to see as president, it would be Joe Walsh. If you want to
vote for someone in the Republican primary that you would actually want to see
a president, then vote for him. And do not vote for a candidate you want to
lose. That might be part of the reason of how we wound up with Trump in the
first place.