Friday, July 10, 2020

Politics: 2020 Kentucky Senate Race

One of the most pivotal races in 2020 that isn’t for president is the Kentucky race for senate. The man who holds this senate seat has held it longer than I’ve been alive and has gradually gotten worse and worse despite never having been good in the first place. How doomed are we if we don’t ditch Mitch? Well, I might as well get through some of this now.

Mitch has a reputation of being the Grim Reaper. This is a label that he has given to himself. He is the incumbent in the race and is a Republican’t. He is the most powerful and dangerous of all of that party and that includes Trump. Mitch McConnell has only three endorsements, which isn’t much, especially since his challenger has a ton more. Now the Grim Reaper label is one that he calls himself since he causes Democratic legislation to die by not doing anything about it. He also has more ties to Russia than one would originally expect, ties that are certainly not legal, but maybe not something he will ever face repercussions on since people don’t seem to care. He doesn’t want to protect us from more Russian interference and is up for reelection this year. While many don’t like him, he might yet win again. But let’s not rule out his opponent.

The Democratic challenger in the race is Amy McGrath. She has yet to hold political office, but has run unsuccessfully for a seat before. She talked about the need of political investigations into the Iraq War, pointing out that more died in it than the Benghazi attack, yet there were only investigations into Benghazi. She is known for having moderate and even conservative beliefs as she has stated somewhat support of Trump, something she might have to do in order to win in Kentucky, even though you’d think she’d only have to work with him for 17 days if she does win her way to office. She also has strong Second Amendment beliefs, which I would expect of someone who served in the military. She is a far better candidate than some might give her credit for, especially considering who she is up against.

There are a lot of links that I would like to share some time, but am unsure if I will in the end. All you can hope is that I find some place to put them at some time. I have stuff that I was wanting to share from back when impeachment was the main story. Republican’ts did poorly at being impartial and Mitch was a reason why.

Him not doing a lot of the work that he’s supposed to do has drawn bipartisan outrage from 70 former senators who insist that he should do his job by casting votes on legislation that the House has passed. To not do this is horrible. If he doesn’t want it to pass, why not hold a vote and let it fail that way? Is he that convinced that it wouldn’t happen?

Some people got stimulus checks in order to pay for things, but there were issues with that which lead to a lawsuit. Some people didn’t get the money that they probably should have in the end and that’s an issue.

Mitch doesn’t seem to have good things going with judges and justices and I may never forgive him for what he did as a result. When confronted about his ways, he couldn’t even offer an answer when trying to change the story of what actually happened.

There can be issues with the judges that Mitch has been tainting various courts with. He might even be doing illegal things in order to do it. Whether he is or isn’t, there are people who think that his role in this needs investigating. They are right.

Even though Mitch infamously refused to allow there to be a vote on Merrick Garland, he seems to not even care that another election is coming quicker than the vote was and is not following his own rules because it is the same timeframe and Mitch is seeking to make the courts bleed as much red as possible.

Another issue that is going on is that Mitch is trying to blame the poor pandemic response that is going on right now on Obama. This far into the Trump administration, you can’t be blaming things on what Obama might have done or not done, especially when Obama left a pandemic response for the next administration.

I won’t say anything here, other than read this link if you have time.

At least there are some people within the Republican Party who want to turn on Mitch so they can do what needs to be done to deal with the pandemic. They haven’t done anything yet, but maybe they will break ranks with him in the future.

With more racism going on in the country and horrible things like that going on as a result, we need an anti-lynching bill passed in the senate. Why won’t they do it? They really should. But the two Kentucky senators are not going to do this.

The one thing that Mitch is certain will be his legacy will be the courts. He’s sadly right. It won’t be the legacy that he should be wanting as he has to fear monger his way into getting the courts to be the way that he wants to be.

Even in the rare event that he works with people of the other party, he does it while lying through his teeth about what all he has done and could do. If some people have a good idea that he does not originally embrace, he may take credit for it himself in the end since it would make him look good.

Of course, he has to support the horrifying and dangerous unemployed people are lazy myth. If I ever got the chance to have a one on one conversation with Steve Harvey, I’ll ask him if he likes being rich better like he is now or preferred the days when he was so poor he was living in a car instead. I mean, come the fuck on, people. Some people have good reasons why they shouldn’t work or aren’t able to work in the end and he will support the myths that people are just lazy and want to live off the government, something that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Something that I want to see in ads from the DNC or some sort of organization that either supports Democrats or is against Republicans would relate to all the Congressmen, Senators, and Congresswomen who felt that the voters should decide Trump’s fate. We shouldn’t just decide Trump’s fate as we should vote out those who didn’t vote him out of office as well since that is what they wanted. They wanted to give voters the choice so we would choose to get rid of Trump and them as well. I know this isn’t something meant for just this election, but figured that I might as well say it now and didn’t know where else to say it.

While most of this post has been about Mitch McConnell and all that he has done wrong or is still doing wrong, I should remind you the alternative again, Amy McGrath. She may not be the most liberal that she could be, but she is far better than Mitch or any third party candidate in this race. Thus, my endorsement in the race is the only choice that makes sense: Amy McGrath. If you can vote in Kentucky in 2020, then be sure to vote for her for senate.