Monday, December 19, 2022

Politics: 2022 Secretary of State Election Results

I don’t have much time for blogging right now and have put most of my blogs under hiatus. This cannot be one of them, so I scheduled this update in advance for the date that I must post it in my mind. I don’t have to do another update of this blog until the last day of January. This might mean that I can finally finish writing that one post that should have been made a good long while ago that I’ve worked on at times and is sort of outdated already, but still needs to be made.


Getting back on topic, I remember writing about the America first secretary of state coalition. It is the main reason why I cared about secretary of state elections this year and will in the future. I had already stated that this group already had more failures than successes in just the primaries alone. And when it came to the general election, only Diego Morales of Indiana won in the end. I’m still concerned about him and that state. But I am less concerned about other states and the candidates that lost those elections.


As for the rest of the elections, they were all fairly boring with only one seat flipping. Nevada’s Republican secretary of state lost to a Democrat. The rest all remained in control by the same party. That’s all that there is to tell you about in this post. It wasn’t as interested as a “death match” that people like Trump wanted it or made it out to be.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Politics: 2022 Missouri Senate Election Results

I really shouldn’t be up this late and don’t have much time for this post. But I am still forcing myself to do it as a person sadly does to themselves at times. Here’s what I know. There was an election for senate in Missouri earlier this year. It didn’t go well.


There were a lot of candidates in the race on the Republican side. A lot of them were terrible and only one of them could win the nomination. Even the insurrectionist couldn’t figure out who to support so just blindly said Eric. Their terrible former governor, Eric Greitens, did not win the nomination. Neither of the sedition caucus members who were running, Billy Long or Vicky Hartlers, win the nomintation either. And enteral Karen Mark McCoskey didn’t win.


But it was a terrible person who did win. Eric Scmitt, the state’s attorney general, was the most likely of these people to win the nomination and thus the election. He sued to get rid of universal health care coverage during a pandemic. Having no clue of the concept of forum non convines, he has sued China over the pandemic, different states other their handling of the 2020 election, and tried to claim authority over the border with Mexico. He has the legal authority over none of these things or places.


You’d think that his opponent, Democrat Trudy Busch Valentine, would mention things like this in the ads in the election. But she didn’t. And the Democratic side of the election was sadly very weak in the end. Lucas Knuce was her major competition in the primary with the best candidate, Scott Stifton, having inexplictedly dropped out before the primary. She instead aired ads that were fact checked as false, not calling out his lies, and even thinking that attacking him as too conservative would fail to get him elected. Plus, how easy do you think that it would be to just say, this guy sought to get rid of universal health care coverage during a pandemic, and not get some support doing that. Sadly, Eric will make me wish that Roy Blunt had stuck around.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Politics: 2022 Illinois Gubernatorial Election Results

I have maybe two easy posts to do this month and still don’t know when I’m getting the big one done that really needs to be done and should have been done a long time ago. I can promise that the one on the gubernatorial election results are coming before March since it will tie in with the posts in my Survivor blog about March Madness. But there is a lot to keep track of and a lot going on in my life right now that I can only hope that this blog can be one of the few things that I can get done at some point in time.


Anyways, when I updated you about the election for governor of Illinois in 2022, it was still in the primary stage. The governor, J.B. Pritzker, had barely any real opposition in his primary for reelection. It then came down to the Republican side for governor.


The only candidate in the race that I could really stomach or even wanted to win over Pritzker (and I really would have voted for him over Pritzker) was Paul Schmipf. He must not have cared about winning since he never ran a single ad on TV. And while there are plenty of other ways to win elections, it seems dumb to me to not go after the most obvious ways to try to win votes.


When it came to the Republican primary, it largely seemed to be a showdown between Richard Irving and Darren Bailey. It actually became rather comical with each of them accusing the other of being too liberal while promoting themselves as the only true conservative in the race. They both had their flaws which I didn’t like. Pritzker aired ads which Irving said was trying to interfere in the Republican primary as if that isn’t allowed for some reason or another. While I may not like the idea of Democrats wanting to fight against candidates they feel are weak, it is fine if they do that just like Republicans could do that to Democrats.


Ultimately, it was Bailey who won the Republican nomination. He liked to say how he sued Pritzker over the governor’s pandemic response and won. But what Bailey negates to mention is how only he benefitted from that lawsuit. Bailey seemed like a social justice warrior. While that term is associated with the left, it seems to accurately define some on the right as well.


Pritzker wasn’t the best candidate. While my local newspaper clearly has a conservative bias, it does talk a lot about some of the laws that have been passed during his administration and what is wrong with them. Minors can now get abortions without their parents knowing. There are issues with him closing prisons. Sex education is focused upon too much with people who opt out not getting to learn anything. Cash bail being gone has the potential to cause a whole lot of problems as well.


One wonders if Bailey wanted to win. While there are plenty of problems with the Pritzker administration, Bailey mentioned not a single one of them in his ads. Well, he barely talked about the cash bail problem, but not while mentioning it from a news source. He simply showed what a talk radio show host was saying about it. No talk show radio host is a journalist. And anything from a shock jock isn’t going to seem legit to those on the left as a real source.


It was Pritzker who won the election. I don’t think that Bailey had much of a chance. Prizkter was polling above 50% against pretty much any candidate. There wasn’t enough voter apathy to help someone in a blue state beat a Democrat who lead well during the pandemic. There was nothing to help Bailey win, especially when he was barely helping himself, so Pritzker gets to stay as governor of Illinois for another four years.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Politics: 2022 US House Elections

I wanted to get this done before the primaries started. And now this will be my last post before the 2022 midterms. There is a lot to talk about in this post so I might as well get to all of it that I can within my time limit to get this done as soon as possible.


One of the things that makes this election different than all of the others is redistricting. This makes me think of the song Shape of You. Candidates of both parties have already lost seats due to being pitted against each other in the primaries and other seats are already vacant.


One of the more infamous Congresspeople in the House right now is Matt Gaetz who has a lot of accusations against him. He may not face criminal charges due to victims not wanting to cooperate with testifying (and not that he’s technically innocent). Here are links about him.


I forget which YouTuber that I like covered this topic, but there was a video about a question about the insurrection that is worth covering in this blog. Enjoy this and hopefully you will see a good point raised about this.


The next section is about Marjorie Taylor Greene who is already the most infamous Congresswoman despite merely being a freshman lawmaker. I can’t think of much else to say that these links don’t already cover already.


Of course, there are bad parts involving some good people who lost primaries. The Republicans prove just how horrible they are by smacking the free thinkers in their party with signs right in the face. Here’s what they did to Liz Cheney.


Going to another Congresswoman, we get to Lauren Boebert who might not survive this election or other ones in the future. People like her who are part of the sedition caucus should be easy targets for Democrats. But will they win against them?


Even when we get to the 147 members of the sedition caucus, 139 of them members of the House, a lot of them still voted to honor the police officers who protected the capitol. But there are 12 who didn’t. They apparently didn’t like an insurrection being called that.


They are Andy Biggs, Michael Cloud, Andrew Clyde, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Bob Good, Lance Gooden, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Harris, Thomas Massie, John Rose, and Greg Steube.


We won’t know for a while if redistricting alone will give Republicans a majority again in the House of Representatives. But it is looking like they will. The main reason why I don’t feel that we should say that even beforehand is that we seem to just say that things are rigged against us and not accepting our own failures. We don’t need that nonsense.


Now when it came to campaign contributions regarding the sedition caucus, know that I might do a potential post on this later called the politics of drinking soda, even if it relates to far more than just what brands of soda are conservatives and which ones are liberal. The point is, a lot of companies that stopped giving money to the sedition caucus wound up resuming those donations not too long later.


Since we’ve gotten a Democratic trifecta, we got what we expected: good things. There were a vote for covid aid relief that not one single Republican voted in favor of. And, true to form, as soon as people revealed that they liked it, Republicans tried to take credit for the very thing that they voted against. They do this a lot, especially with coverage for preexisting conditions. Pay attention to the voting record. Ignore what they say in ads.


While I will get more into later some of the good things regarding the primaries this year in a follow up post that I will explain in this post, I should get to Madison Cawthorne, a Republican so infamous, he lost a non redistricting primary race.


One of the dumbest things about Republicans is their refusal to take covid seriously, even this late into the pandemic. This is despite the fact that red states have among the highest per capita dead of covid.


Something to watch out for is the Supreme Court case regarding Alabama redistricting that I will be sure to follow. It is weird that there was already a decision, sort of, in that case, even though it hasn’t been decided yet, if that makes sense. I will tell you that this case and Moore versus Harper are the two that I most care about in this upcoming term. We’ll see if the Roberts court can top Citizens “United” as most horrendous decision that they did.


For all of the people who are convinced that it is the Democrats who are corrupt despite not mentioning a single example to back up that belief, here is yet another example of how there was a Republican who did something illegal.


While I had no idea why Andy Biggs didn’t vote on Trump’s second impeachment, what I do know is that he is a terrible person and not just because he voted against honoring the police officers who protected the capitol. Why do Republicans blantantly lie about January 6th 2021? Do they have to disagree with anything there is video evidence supporting the exact opposite of what they always say?


Seditious Countdown will be included in future posts of this blog where instead of doing results of the Congressional races, I will post a number of the remaining members of the Sedition Caucus with updates as to what happened to all of the ones no longer in office and what might have happened to those who sought and actually got higher office. This will be done after January 3rd of any odd numbered year where I will also include updates to the House races. I may do that regardless of if I cover House races before the election.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Politics: 2022 Secretary of State Elections

There is only one other post other than this one to cover before the midterms and it will get up there sometime soon. I just need to write it and the other ones that I’m behind on. I am now going to do my first of any posts on secretary of state elections.


State with elections: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington (special), Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


They are more important than perhaps they should be because of the America First Secretary of State Coalition. These are people who think that Trump only lost in 2020 because of fraud that somehow failed to affect any of the other elections somehow. There are other reasons too. But I don’t want any of them to win.


Let’s get to the bad news first. There were some successes in primaries. In the Pennysylvania governor race and secretary of state races in Michigan, New Mexico, Arizona, Indiana, and Nevada, these Trump backed candidates all won the primary. Will they win the general election in the end? I guess that we’ll see and hope not.


But there is good news. They have so far had more failures in primaries and run-offs. The Trump backed candidates in Kansas, Colorado, Alabama, South Carolina, California, Georgia, Idaho, and Nebraska all lost the primaries or run-offs. For those keeping track, more of the Trump backed candidates in his colliation lost than won. And that’s not factoring in to what might happen in the general elections where more might lose.


I won’t talk that much about the other elections in the country relating to secretary of state. But there is one incumbent that I know is terrible and that’s the one in Ohio. He has taken part in voter purges, something that should be illegal. It is weird that it happened in Georgia in 2018 and it wasn’t considered as big a deal as it was then as it is now.


As an autstic person, it can be hard to get behind candidates who openly disagree with and mock the progress they try to make. Republicans do terrible with people with special needs while lying about protecting those with pre-existing conditions. I guess that they hope that they don’t vote at all like the one in Minnesota openly admits.


And there you have it. I have only one more post that has to be done before the general election happens as I cover some of the House races. I’ll have a different type of follow up post for after the election that I’ll get to later and explain in that post. I’ll see you then.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Politics: 2022 Attorney General Elections

This will be my last post of this blog on a Thursday for a while. I will be switching to random days for a while that will at least give me a chance to do more than one post a month before I find some other day of the week to make these posts on in the future. Now let’s get to this post which is the quickest one I could do today.


I have wanted to keep track of the attorney general races ever since there was the case that sought to get rid of Obamacare. I am also interested in the case of Texas versus Pennsylvania also regarding different Republicans on a terrible side of a case. What’s interesting is how both of these cases have largely the same attorney generals supporting the Republican side that lost in both cases, even though one was technically never tried.


Another thing to mention is that I have a facebook group that is currently being used to track the careers and futures of all of these attorney generals. It is called I’m so glad that they finally passed health care reform. I repurposed a rarely used old group for this vendetta of mine. I have done a lot of research for this group and will post updates on the general election this year and any potential run-offs in addition to all the other future elections. Know that not all of them are even up for election at all, but I might keep track of them over time.


While in this blog, I’m only trying to focus on getting rid of the attorney generals who sued to get rid of Obamacare, I should mention all of the states with elections this year and mention two of the Democrats that I think should stay in office. There are 30 elections and they are in the states of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and Wisconsin.


In New York, their attorney general is one of them investigating Trump for crimes. Her name is Letitia James. Meanwhile, in my state of Illinois, the attorney general, Kwame Raoul, helped keep Obamacare as law. His Republican opponent is known to me as a social justice warrior (not the only one running for statewide office in the state of Illinois as a Republican) who was also successful in a lawsuit, this one getting rid of the mask mandates in schools during a pandemic. I wasn’t a fan of Kwame Raoul the first time and voted for his Republican challenge in 2018, but now I see no reason why I shouldn’t vote to reelect him.


Here are a list of the people that I feel shouldn’t stay in office anymore. The Republicans who sued to get rid of Obamacare, during a pandemic no less, that are running for reelection this year that are on the ballot are Steve Marshall, Ashley Moody, Chris Carr, and Ken Paxton. I would also include Alan Wilson as well, but he doesn’t have an opponent from any party (not even a third party candidate) this year so us Democrats won’t get a shot at him again until 2026. It is dumb that they wouldn’t run a candidate against him.


Let’s get into the infamous Ken Paxton of Texas. He seems to have done a lot of terrible things and is under investigation. While one doesn’t want any politician to be under investigation, the last politican that should be under investigation is attorney general, the top prosecutor. Here are a lot of links about him.


Meanwhile, South Dakota had a terrible attorney general who commited manslaughter. He could not be charged with a crime as that is oddly not a crime in that state. I hope that changes as it should be a crime everywhere. He fed up his own party so much that not only did he lose his own party’s renomination, they still voted to impeach and then oust him from office. It is good that Republicans would hold their own accountable. The two main problems with this ultimate good outcome is that Republicans aren’t doing this more often to their own and I’m pretty sure this is not a well known person or example.


This leads to some of the bad ones that won’t be staying in office, at least as attorney general. Mark Brnovich is term limited. He ran for senate, but lost the primary. Leslie Rutledge is also term limited. She also ran for higher office, winning the primary in her state for lieutenant governor. Derek Schmidt retired to run for governor. He won the primary. Doug Peterson is retiring in his state, but not to run for another office. Eric Schmidt from Missouri won the primary for US senate in his state. He was not up for reelection this year.


There’s not too much else to tell you about. I’ll get to who one should vote for in my group about the races and not in this blog. I’d just say to vote for the Democrat in all of them. I did not tell you which state these attorney generals are from. Sorry about that. But with not too much longer until midnight, I might as well get this post published.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Politics: 2022 General Senate Races

I gave myself too little time to write this post as usual so I won’t be able to include all of what I’m wanting to in it. Know that class three is up this time. When it comes to the patterns with who flips with this class, it was normally the Republicans who gained seats in this class until 2016 when Democrats had a net gain of it.


Meanwhile, regarding the patterns with who flips with midterms, it is normally always the Democrats who lose seats during the midterms. Since the 2002 midterms, only once have the Democrats gained seats during the midterms (in 2006). This is bad, especially since two of these midterms took place under Republican presidents where the minority party, that is the Democrats, are posed to do better. 1998 was the most recent midterms under a Democratic presidency where the Democrats didn’t do that bad as they lost the same number of seats that they gained. Meanwhile, the last time that the Democrats gained seats in the senate midterms under a Democratic president was all the way back in 1962.


Still, I’m going to spotlight just a few of the candidates running for office in the senate elections this year before I get to some of the polling when I last checked a long while ago. While I don’t like Lisa Murkowski or respect her anymore after her vote on Barrett, there still are a few good aspects on her at times.


Perhaps the worst of the senators up for reelection this year is one Wisconsin senator named Ron Johnson. He has a weaker chance to win than most of the incumbents who are actually running for reelection. He still might win though, which is sad. Note that he is not part of this sedition caucus as it is known. Still, he deserves to be outsed more than any other Republican in this class that I can think of right now.


Another Republican senator that has had issues with me is Mike Lee of Utah. He isn’t that smart of a person and I guess that he’s just flat out rude at times. There isn’t much else that I can say about him right now.


When it comes to the election for senate in Missouri, it is their state’s terrible attorney general who won the Republican’t primary. He doesn’t understand this legal concept as he is saying that he sued China over covid or wants to control the US border with Mexico, neither of which he has any authority over.


One of the most important things to remember about Republicans is how often they lie. They will vote against something that is popular with voters and the general public. They will then claim that they support that thing. Let’s keep calling them out on this.


With 5 of the incumbent Republican senators retiring from office (including a 6th from a different class who will leave on the same date), you’d hope that the potential replacements on that side of politics would be good or at least better as in not so bad. But that’s not the case at all. Still, they might not be doing as well as they could have.


While we won’t know until the election just how good or bad Democrats might do, it would seem that they aren’t going to do well, but that might not be the case. It is possible that only one seat is in play throughout the whole country with all of the others likely to stay within their own party regardless of the retirements. Last I checked, not one poll seems to show a flip from either party as likely to happen right now. We’ll see what happens. I can only hope that for once, the liberals can do better in the elections than polling suggests.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Politics: 2022 Gubernatorial Elections

As you might expect in any of my blogs, I’m going to do a quick update about this blog and some other things to include before getting to the point of this blog post. I shouldn’t have just stuck with two random things because I might have to wait until after the midterms to finally finish the post on the results of the 2020 presidential election.


If I had an extra post, I knew that I could cover everything that I would want to regarding the secretary of state elections, but may not be able to cover that one this year like I want to due to time constraints. I will thus only post these quick links to cover it here.,_2022


Now I’m going to get to actually posting about the 2022 gubernatorial elections. This might be the only place where the Democrats might actually do well in the midterms. Although, they might not do terribly in the senate races with only Pennsylvannia really in play and no seats seeming likely to flip in either party. And they might be better off then they should be in the House races. This thought about Democrats doing poorly because they are in the White House right now might not happen at all, although I’m still pretty sure that gerrymandering is going to hurt them in the long run in the end.


The states with elections for governor this year are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvannia, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tenessee, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


Who is term limited or otherwise not staying in office? I won’t name names, but they are the governors of Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Oregon, and Pennsylvannia. When it comes to the races that I care about, I would want to review largely the governor’s respond to the covid pandemic. I’m thus not sure that I care about most of these races in the end. I might care a bit some about the Pennsylvannia due to the crazy MAGA who won that primary. And if the current attorney general of Arizona wins that primary, then I won’t want him winning higher office as well.


Despite Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan, being a Republican, I think that he’s had the best response to the pandemic of all of the governors in any state in this country. This is why I want him to run for president in 2024. I also think that the Republican governors of New Hampshire, Vermont, and possibly even Alabama (I’ll get to this later) have had good responses.


People have seem to have been giving Gretchen Whitmore of Michigan a lot of crap. And that hasn’t been anyone on the left like me who knows about all of the crap that she’s been through. People did the anti-lockdown protests which involved a potential take over of that state’s capitol that was more than likely a precursor for the storming of the US captiol. Alternatives to her don’t seem good since a lot of them were found to have done voter fraud.


Texas has a terrible governor who is terrible in all sorts of ways. While one of these links will be about something in Texas other than their governor, there are a whole lot of reasons why we should be worried about him. It’s bad enough that so many Republicans make a name for themselves by being controversial. But they actually become popular with their base as a result of this. That’s why I’m worried about him being the front runner in the presidential race. (Greg Abbot booed)


Now while I talked some about the Illinois race, I should get into more about Pritzker. Some feel that he hasn’t had a good reaction to the pandemic with most people thinking that he went to far when it is possible that he might not have gone far enough. He had a mask mandate in this state after the delta variant started and had to fight misinformation about it. His opponent is an anti-mask social justice warrior.


Pritzker response to misinformation:


An exceptionally poor governor in all of this has been Kristi Noem of South Dakota. Her state has some of the highest per capita dead of covid. And she seems to know nothing about how to be a good leader. Tim Walz of Minnesota has critized her as he should.


The worst governor of any state right now could only be Ron DeSantis. I fear him being the GOP nominee for president in 2024 more than I fear Trump getting the nominee again. He has had such a terrible pandemic response that it is shocking that people like him.


Link: (Ron DeSantis bad covid treatment)


One of the people that I wanted to donate against in 2018 but didn’t due to money constraints and other reasons was Kim Reynolds of Iowa. I really regret not trying to get her out of office more than I did. I believe that she shouldn’t stay in office and here’s at least two links as to why she has failed to serve Iowa.


I tend not to give to politicians more than once. While I like Tony Evers and want him to stay in office, my donations might instead have to go to fixing that state’s Supreme Court in the end. They have fought his good measures like trying to change the primary date in 2020 which other states allowed in the end. More good could have happened, but didn’t because of this.


While I don’t know how I feel for sure about Alabama’s governor, Kay Ivey, I do know that she seems to understand the basic idea about how vaccines for covid work and that they should be used. I don’t know if she’s backing up any of what she’s saying with what she’s doing, but I will say that she at least has this one thing right.


Some other states are worth mentioning briefly. It is my belief that the governor of Georgia unfairly got his job. I don’t feel that the governor of Tenessee has handled covid well. I have mixed feelings about the governor of Ohio, but am otherwise okay with him staying in office right now. He did, after all, speak at the Democratic National Convention on behalf of why we should elect Trump, perhaps the only predominate person of any party to speak at the other one’s convention. I currently like the governors of Oregon, Nevada, Minnesota, New Mexico, and California, even though the first one won’t stay around.


One last thing to note before I end this post with some trivia is how some governors are treating refugees from Afghanistan. I don’t know how much of this is outdated. I can tell you that at least one of the two who doesn’t want them, the already mentioned Kristi Noem, has a very racist reason as to why they shouldn’t be accepted.


It was 2014 when any Democratic governor last lost reelection to a Republican governor. While seats have flipped from Democrat to Republican in the years since then, not one of them was one who lost reelection. All of them either didn’t or couldn’t run for another term in office. Is that streak likely to end this year? We’ll see. It seems likely to happen in Kansas, but that might be about it this time around. I wish that the streak would continue.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Politics: 2022 Missouri Senate Race

I have about half an hour to write this post to ensure that this one is done. I just have not had that much time and am almost certain that some cast updates will be incomplete, but this may not be the case in the end. I hope not. Anyways, here’s a quick post.


Let’s start with the Republican primary. Just how bad are the candidates? We’ll, let’s see. We have not one but two members of the sedition caucus (Vicky Hartzler and Billy Long), a former governor who resigned after numerous scandals (Eric Greitens), an attorney general who sued to get rid of Obamacare during a pandemic (Eric Schmitt), and a person who did something controversial and is now waving his eternal Karen card (I’m not saying his name). There’s plenty of other candidates in there too. The only one that I like out of all of them is Dave Schatz. We’ll see if I still feel that way later, especially if he wins.


Sadly, I’m unsure who I would want to support in the Democratic primary. The person that I most wanted to win was Scott Sifton, but he dropped out of the race. None of them seem to have that much experience in office and at least two of them put me on email lists that I never signed up for as I normally only donate to races after the primary. I guess we’ll see who winds up being the nominee as undecided has always and only been the winner here. It doesn’t seem like most of the polling favors Democrats in any of the match ups.


There’s not too much else to say here. I can’t even endorse someone on the Democratic side, although I’d think that Lucas Kunce is probably the best bet, although Trudy Busch Valentine seems most likely to be the nominee. And the Republican endorsement of mine is Dave Schatz as he is the only one I’d want to see win from that side, even though I’m certain that I’d want the Democrat in any match up.