Friday, May 15, 2020

Politics: 2020 Presidential Primary Results

While technically not decided yet, the 2020 primaries for the major party candidates are more or less over, even if Biden, the only candidate left in the race, still hasn’t gotten all of the delegates he needs to yet. I will talk some about what has happened thus far in the race while talking about the results of it and whether or not something could change with either party. I will also share some Daily Kos articles of varying importance since they are a bit outdated to put on my own facebook page where I was wanting to put it on originally.

Let’s start by talking about the Republican results. It shouldn’t be too surprising that the guy in the White House got an easy win. But you may not have known or remember that there were people besides Trump that were in the race on the Republican side. There were four people of varying importance, one of whom is not worth mentioning and is trying to get a third party nod now, even though this should be against sore loser laws. Former Congressman and governor Mark Standford was in the race, but dropped out before Iowa. Former State Representative from Illinois, Joe Walsh, dropped out after the Iowa primary. I was planning to vote for him at one point. Seriously. The only other major person was Bill Weld who dropped out only after Trump got all the delegates needed to secure the nomination. Bill was lucky enough to get one single delegate in New Hampshire. The RNC had no problem rigging the race against those who aren’t Trump. They openly did this too.

Bill Weld may not have done that well in the race, but people did keep track of the race and that he might have done better than a lot of other people did or could have. Here’s a link to a story about his time in the race.

Let’s face it: Trump doesn’t care about if the election is fair or not this year. He didn’t want to admit that Russia hacked us in 2016 because it would make him look bad and undermine his win. He also would help them do what they need to in order to help him win again. And it violates his oath of office as it is treason. Russia will probably try to strike us again.

At least Joe Walsh, one of the people who originally supported the guy in the White House has since turned on the man and will refuse to support him. Thanks Joe for joining the never Trump crowd and be sure to stay here until the end. Here’s a link to his new side.

For some reason, the guy in the White House was wanting Bernie Sanders as his opponent. This did not happen in the end. It might be a good thing. But why did Trump want Bernie to be his opponent? Simply put, despite the polling saying that Bernie would beat Trump, Trump still felt that he had a better chance against Bernie. He even openly told Republicans to abandon their party’s primary in open primary states, especially when they didn’t have one. Here’s a link to a story about this:

Meanwhile, the Democratic race had tons of people in it, but they all dropped out over time leaving only Biden left. I hated how Elizabeth Warren’s campaign failed the way it did. So many people thought that it was too late for her and they were sadly right about that. I won’t go into the failures of all the candidates. While I wanted Bernie Sanders to win, I understand that he did a lot of things that brought his campaign down like his 30% comment or other things that did not make as much news as it could have. Don’t believe the narrative that things were rigged against Bernie as that is as patently false as that thing on Trump’s head. For whatever reason, people wanted Joe Biden to be the nominee. I don’t think that he was a safe source (nor do I believe that such a thing exists, especially after the 2016 election where Hillary Clinton was the so called safe choice), but I will be voting for him unless he somehow isn’t the nominee.

One of the more high profile candidates in the Democratic race who left the race before the first primary happened was Cory Booker. He may not have done as well as many of us were wanting him to. But I don’t think that his failure relates to the reason mentioned here.

There was a lot of niceness in the Democratic primary, despite how it might have come off to some in the debates. Still, when people looked for their friendship outside of when they had to face each other, they were able to show that even after these fights on stage.

Sadly, not all went well in the first state. There was a good reason why, based on info that came out later about it that you may not have known. While it was a disaster, it might not have been just one that the Democrats did as people might think.

It only makes sense to get rid of Trump at this point. I don’t know what is wrong with all of the people who support him still despite all the terrible things he has said and done. The rest of the world outside of Russia and maybe North Korea hate Trump.

What’s also worth noting is that even some Republicans are now turning on Trump. In addition to what Joe Walsh has said, others that you may not have heard of as much but are still as important to the political world as other Republicans have endorsed Biden.

It is also worth mentioning the allegations against Biden. It a moment that was a bit funny, Trump brought up his own allegations when asked to talk about Biden’s. Trump strangely felt that someone other than him was falsely accused of something, going as far to imply that it was false, these Biden allegations, if only because his worse ones are believed to be false (by him) as well. The woman who accused Biden, Tara Reade, was not vocal any time before this, at least, not with her current allegations, at least. Unlike Christine Blasey Ford, Tara’s story has changed a lot and these links help prove more against these claims of her.

There was another accusation that was made against Biden, but it barely made the news just to how unlikely it was to have happened. I mean, can you read this link and say anything that was credible in this claim?

Going back to Republicans against Trump, there is one called the Lincoln Project that is called Mourning in America. I have a link to a story about it and a video of this ad itself. We need to remember that Trump is not what a real Republican is like, but Lincoln is.

As we look forward to the election for president this year, don’t both with any of the third party candidates or trying to put Bernie Sanders as a write-in. It is effectively Trump versus Biden now. It only makes sense to vote for Biden for president. Unless the Democrats are somehow putting forth a different nominee in the end, then Biden is the candidate to vote for. He will be quite a great president. And if Trump somehow isn’t the nominee, then still vote for Biden or the Democrat running for president.