Sunday, July 28, 2019


There is this YouTube channel that I noticed at one point that covered what The Good Wife was like in terms of legal realism. This video is by Legal Eagle and shows an actual lawyer talking about the first episode of the show in question. Based on just that first episode, it would seem that the show is more realistic than I would believe. But there are all the other episodes that he doesn’t have time to review.

Статья под названием «Мастера шпионов» была напечатана в номере журнала «Время» от 6-11-2018. В ней Джеймс Клэппер и Майкл Хейден рассказывают о постоянных атаках Трампа на всех и каждого. На странице 43 говорится, что Майкл говорит: «Трамп подрывает действительность институтов, на которые мы будем полагаться еще долго после того, как он покинет свой пост». Проблемы, о которых они говорят, которые вызывает Трамп, могут привести к таким вещам, как «правительство крах, гражданская война и диктатура в других странах ». Действительно, многим фанатам Трампа нравится, что он встряхивает правительство, но я хочу, чтобы оно оставалось правительством после того, как он покинет свой пост. Эти два человека в статье убеждены, что Россия повлияла на выборы и вызвала победу Трампа.

So many people seem to have a hard time believing or accepting the fact that Trump is racist. I don’t know why this would be. There’s a whole Wikipedia article about the racist habits of Trump. Despite what this article says, the tweet that you would read by reading this article isn’t dumb so much as it is funny based on how wrong such a thing that they are suggesting is.

By now, some of you know that the Robert Mueller hearing happened. I watched some of the end of it. I don’t think that he helped either side as he seemed to just not answer a lot of questions that he was asked for some reason. I guess that he really is a Republican. Whatever the reason for this, Trump talked about how he felt that what had happened was a great day and great win for him.

After Election Day next year, I have the feeling that upon hearing that the Democrats took control of the Senate and presidency while keeping control of the House, he’ll still think it was a good day for his party. That’s how delusional Trump is. He thinks that things are going great, even when they aren’t. Any bets on how long it will take him to realize that hell is a bad place when he winds up there?

You’d think that election security would be a bi-partisan issue. It may well still be. But it seems that Mitch McConnell will do almost anything to appease the Russians. By now, most of us know that he has connections to them. Where is his dark money coming from? Hopefully not Russia as that would be illegal. (Is any dark money legal?) He is an embarrassment to democracy and I’d love to see him lose the primary.

Since I talked about racism earlier, I might as well get to this post about something that should not be happening in this country. There was a man who was jailed for about a month by immigration officials. This man is a US citizen since birth. Why had this happened? Well, racism is likely the answer, in addition to other horrible issues. Here is an article explaining more.

After Trump’s non-coherent ramblings to teenagers (of whom it should be pointed out often make poor life choices), people noticed something at his rally. Maybe it was that the American flag on the display screen behind him wasn’t working like at the last RNC convention. No, it was the logo that was wrong. I think that someone has since taken responsibility for this, but I don’t know for sure. Maybe this was just a staff mistake as they claim. It could be someone part of the resistance in his administration. I haven’t forgotten that that’s a thing. Whatever the reason, this happened.

Act one is when Maia and Lucca talk before Maia is going into a place. She has to walk past a group of other people where they talk with Sue, I mean Madeline. Lucca is the lawyer of Maia in this case. Maia has to answer truthfully to this agent. Adrian and Diane talk some about a cop from the first case of the season. Todd is a person in the cell that they talk to. But he’s not the brutality victim. Colin Sweeny is. Does this mean that we won’t see the new Colin in this show, Colin Morrello?

Act two has Colin talking to Diane and Adrian about his case. He also talks about the beatings that he intentionally takes by his lover so they don’t get confused. Back in her whatever thing that’s going on, Maia talks about the 2008 financial crisis. She was 17 at the time which would make her character about 26 now since this was set in 2017. Madeline talks more about what went on this day. She was at a doctor appointment before the time that she thinks her Uncle Jack was talking about the case.

Madeline thinks that wishful thinking was turned into actual memories. Is that a thing that happens? Lucca thinks that Maia might be lying in order to protect her father. I don’t think that I’d help a family member get away with a crime. Back with the Colin case, he is given a 3 million dollar bail. Adrian thinks that Colin could actually get this corrupt cop put away.

Madeline thinks that the doctor appointment was a cover for her mother to have sex with her brother-in-law. It is possible that she and Jack were trying to frame Henry for the scam. She doesn’t think that they actually happened, these appointments.

Act three has Barbara and Adrian talk about their infamous client to a lawyer who finds the whole thing funny. On the stand, the cop testifies. Colin says that he doesn’t have any marks on his hands and couldn’t have assaulted this cop. Diane is surprised that he might actually be telling the truth. Lucca learns more about Madeline and how she helped put away George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich. Maia talks about meetings that malaria prevention was going on. Her name was being used for donations, but she never knew what amount of money was being sent.

Diane talks to the cop on the stand about the case at hand. He fought with someone at the gym who was the real reason for the bruise on his hand. Madeline talks more about her eighteenth birthday party where Diane was at. Maia had a boyfriend at the time and either didn’t realize her true orientation or was still in the closet about it. There is a form that Maia might have signed too early and won’t count as a result. She thinks about many things about her life then as a result.

Act four is when Colin’s girlfriend talks on the stand about him hitting the cop of his own free will. Lucca and Maia talk to Madeline some more about Maia’s graduation from law school and living with her girlfriend, Amy. Madeline suspects that there might have been some bad things possibly happening on Amy’s behalf. There was a drug party that Colin went to with his girlfriend that causes more issues.

The team is able to get dash cam footage of that night after asking the judge about it in question. The firm’s investigator looks for a man in a suit. Wasn’t he the character that Jim Caziel played on Person of Interest? Richard is a person brought who might be a witness in the crime. Colin admits that he might have gotten privileges of some sort by donating to Richard. Maia never told her father about Amy’s parents investing in something which makes Maia realize that she might have known about the scam, even if she didn’t realize it at the time.

Act five has Adrian thinking that they have to use the drug angle to win the case. They both seem to like working where they are. Diane might have wanted to retire, but it seems that this show’s writers, I mean life, had other plans for her. Adrian realizes that Todd is the person they need to solve this case. He was given a phony possession charge that was dropped. Colin seems to give him a weird, secret handshake. Maia did not want Amy’s parents to invest in the fund. But she didn’t know why.

Colin didn’t get his ambassadorship that he was wanting. There is some sort of weird disclaimer that the show gives that might have been in Diane’s head. Maia talks her last bit to Madeline. Madeline wants to prosecute Maia.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, Maia has issues, Lucca is taken by the feds, and I can’t tell what else might be going on. Depending on what goes on with my life, I might not be back on this coming Sunday like I normally would be. But I should have the season finale posted sometime next month. I’ll explain more of what will be different in this blog in the next post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


Since this show is on Sundays, I might as well mention the shows that I watch or am currently interested in that air on Sundays. In addition to this show, I’m currently also watching 60 Minutes, Burden of Truth, and Instinct. I also would watch all of the ABC shows of Celebrity Family Feud, The $100,000 Pyramid, and To Tell the Truth if they didn’t conflict with so many other shows. I might want to check out What Just Happened? But I don’t know yet when or if that will work out.

В статье «Тайм» от 26 февраля 2018 года подробно рассматриваются проблемы, которые вызвал Трамп, не помогая рабочим, которые проголосовали за него. Можно многое почерпнуть из простого прочтения статьи. Некоторые люди, например человек по имени Хистер, убеждены, что Трамп не лжет, как его цитируют на странице 29 этого номера. Эта статья указывает в том же параграфе «что« Вашингтон пост »зафиксировала более 2000 ложных данных только за первый год жизни Трампа». Люди говорят о своих предполагаемых фактах и даже утверждают, что сделали свою домашнюю работу по этому поводу. Человек в статье думал, что Обама никогда не делал 3% -ный рост ВВП, когда он фактически «вырос на 3% в течение нескольких кварталов при Обаме». Некоторые люди на своих надгробиях выгравируют идею, что Трамп всегда прав.

By now, everyone knows about the terrible child separation policy that is still going on for some reason. They are detained in places where terrible things can and do happen to them. Here’s an article about one of those things.

So much has been going wrong with the Trump administration, I’m starting to think that if the only reason he hasn’t been charged is because he’s a sitting president. This makes me wonder if he wasn’t president anymore, if he’d be in jail like the former presidents of Peru. If you read this article, there could be other reasons why different investigations into Trump ended when they did.

The bad news is that a liberal justice of the Supreme Court has died. The good news is that he was no longer on the court when he died and his seat is safely in the hands of one of the Obama appointees, I forget which one. I might do a tribute to him in this blog when I start doing political posts after this season is done airing and before I am able to watch the next season. I plan to do a post on every Supreme Court justice at some point after they pass. You can read a bit more about him here.

I’ll never understand why we have a political side who doesn’t admit that climate change is a problem. Is this because they are well funded by the people who help make it a problem? Do they just not want to fix things and think that the best way of handling things is pretending that there is no problem? Are they not paying attention to the unusual weather we keep having every year? At least we have people who do something about it by refusing to work with people who can’t handle the truth.

By now, you’ve probably heard about the squad, the four Democratic women from Congress who Trump told to go home despite the fact that they are all American citizens. This racist tweet got his show cancelled. Oh, wait. No, he has all sort of people supporting him still. Now we’ve been in places like this before, as the next article will point out. Hopefully he doesn’t go as far as wanting people to die. But I am getting more worried every day about this country.

Sadly, the media isn’t doing as well as it could be in covering the Trump disaster. For one, it keeps using the same group of morons who thought that all men try to rape people and that should make it okay. I’m serious about this. CNN could be burning more bridges than they could ever hope for as both sides will hate them for all sorts of different things that they do wrong.

Switching to actually talking about this show for a change, I should mention my thoughts on Henry Rindall, the father of Maia. I think that he is like Jack Sparrow. Only he’s not an anti-hero, but a villain. He’s on whatever side will help him and is only out for himself and whoever can best help him. Maybe he’s more like the reverse flash of the TV show The Flash. Whatever the reason, I look forward to seeing what all will happen with this show’s version of a Colin Sweeny type character.

Act one has Adrian at the law firm, looking around to see everyone gathered in one place. Their founding partner was giving a speech. He privately argues with Adrian and others in the firm notice it. Lucca and the Colin of this show talk on the phone about where to meet and continue their romance or, more accurately, fuck fest. Maia meets with Henry in a garage after they leave the firm. She doesn’t want there to be further communication between the two of them. The firm people then go to a place where a man has to be evicted.

Act two has Diane and Marissa meeting with a lawyer, Mr. Kovach, about a case that relates to sex in some way. He represents a man named Paul. Paul might be both a victim and perpetrator of rape. As usual, I don’t understand this case yet. I hope that I’ll understand it later. Colin and Lucca meet in an art gallery where Colin’s mother shows up. She seems even weirder than Peter Florrick’s mother is or how Diane acts when she is playing Leonard’s mother on The Big Bang Theory.

Diane talks to the pastor that might be a criminal who claims that while he did know Paul, he never raped him and only helped him get back on his feet. Adrian continues to butt heads with a man who I think is his boss.

Act three has the usual tense music as different things happen. It is tense music, right? That’s how I feel that I’m supposed to feel by the music. More issues or something of some sort or another happen. Diane and Maia talk to Mr. Kovach who mentions that he has a video of Jeremiah, the pastor, walking into the room for a long time. There is an hour of footage missing. Marissa sees on the footage that Paul is wearing a fit bit and the data of his fit bit with Jeremiah proves that sex never happened. But what did happen in the room? And why is footage missing?

Maia talks to Henry and signs point that Henry might be suicidal. He ignores a call from her. Where is this music coming from exactly? Is someone listening to it or is it something that only us are hearing? Henry has trouble grabbing the noose he wants to hang himself with and falls to the ground instead.

Act four has Maia and her girlfriend Amy (I think) arriving at his house and going to the barn where they find him on the ground. He thinks that his suicide attempt will get his bail revoked and put on suicide watch until the trial so Maia gets rid of the noose and the paramedics are told that he fell. Colin and Lucca continue to hand out with each other and I wonder if there should be a drinking game for every time they bring up Trump in some way.

What is this new event that they are at? This can’t still be the art gallery from earlier. What’s with all these weird characters? Do normal characters exist in shows? Lucca learns that Colin might be running for senate. State senate or US senate? There is no way that someone is beating Dick Durbin anytime soon. And I don’t think that Tammy Duckworth is going anywhere yet, but that is the more likely to change parties based on what normally happens with that seat.

Henry is at the hospital and more family drama happens. Maia reads her mother what would have been his suicide note and she gets emotional as a result. She still has issues with her Uncle Jack. I wouldn’t want issues with any of my family members. If they have issues with me, I’ll be there for them if they ever change their minds and want to talk to me. More strange moments happen with the Rindall family. Back with the case, Diane talks to Mr. Kovach about what had gone on, but he says it is not over due to a mark on Jeremiah’s penis that Paul would be able to identify.

Act five has the pastor, Jeremiah, refusing to disrobe since it is not something that he wants to do. People want to prove that he’s innocent. Marissa finds evidence and we learn that the route that was taken kept leading to Mr. Kovach’s office. Paul was the person that they tried to evict at the beginning. The route proves that Jeremiah was not likely to have done something. Colin talks to Lucca about his insane family. She wants to end their relationship. But did she? I don’t quite get all that.

Back at the firm, someone has left the firm and they might affect things. People vote and Barbara causes a tie. What will happen next? As usual, I don’t get things as this show is too confusing to me.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, it seems like Sue Sylvester is up to evil again. Maia is accused of knowing about the scam. A lot of funny things seem to happen. I guess we’ll see and not understand more in the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Something that a previous episode clearly alluded to was Law and Order: SVU and an episode of it that didn’t air as it was shelved. I’m wondering if I should try to find a synopsis of it online like I did with No Consequence Day, an episode of Powerless. I think that it might be nice, should I be able to find it. Meanwhile, I love SVU as it is often called as a TV show and recommend it. Just know that it is one of the most grim shows ever and often deals with terrible subject matter.

代的另一个问题是在2014年4月16日的一期中到了特朗普的关税。 关税的影响在很多方面都有所体,并有可能影响未来的选举,例如2018年的中期选举 在一篇名“中美之的意志之”的文章中,它提到“特朗普知道中国的经济很容易受到易行的影响,因它依于它比美国更多,”本期第22 但它警告“特朗普在政治上更容易受到......”他的举动是“害威斯康星州和州的民和企主。”是特朗普在2020年失的关原因 我想我会看到会生什么。

Switching to a completely different topic entirely, you might be wondering what the last episode made me think when they said, “for more of The Good Fight, go to CBS all access.” Well, they were clearly censoring something that they can’t show on the network TV version of what’s going on. It made me think of this video, the Harry Potter Ding Dong song. Enjoy all ten hours sometime if you want to.

For a businessman, Trump doesn’t seem to have as much business sense as you’d think a person should have. For one, the basic idea of paying bills comes to mind. After his self centered “greatness” celebration that happened to coincide with the death anniversaries of three US presidents, he, like many times before, didn’t pay the bill that he’s supposed to.

We all know that he has money from campaigning non-stop. Can’t he use some of that to pay who he needs to? I don’t think that it is a good idea for anyone to not pay bills like that and I’d have to imagine that if Hilary Clinton had done it, Trump would rightfully be criticizing her for not paying the money she’s supposed to be.

Switching topics yet again, the Youth Gathering is going on. I can watch live streams of this online. They first started in 2010, the live streams. (The gatherings go back much further, but I don’t know how far.) In 2013, the first year I couldn’t really go since I’m no longer part of the youth group of my church, I watched the live feeds of them online as they happened. I missed one of them due to seeing a movie with my mother and her parents as that’s when worked best.

Part of the gathering that year took place on the fourth of July. They did the Star-Spangled Banner that day. I do wonder why they didn’t do something like God Bless America which covers both God and country. They could have also done the Battle Hymn of the Republic or other songs that you might find in a hymnal.

The next gathering was in 2016. Two of the live streams aired against the Republican National Convention that year, forcing me, a political junkie, to pick between which of the two to watch. If I weren’t a Democrat, the choice might have been a bit harder to make. But I’d pick the live streams over either convention, to be honest. If this were to happen again, it would be in 2028 when I might have to choose between watching the feed or watching one of the conventions.

This year, I have two shows that I blog about airing at the same time as the feeds are up. If you read my Elementary blog, then you’d know that I already picked the show in order to blog about it later that day as I normally would over the feeds. I am going to make the same choice again today. It’s a shame, too, as I’m sure to get more out of this onetime event than a show I could watch later, but am choosing not to.

There is one last day of the live feed tomorrow morning starting at 9:30 so I recommend that everyone who reads this blog watch it if they can since they are certain to get better morals out that than this show ever could bring.

Act one has Colin talking to Lucca, saying the false information the Elsa had fed this firm in question. There is then a dramatic walk that she goes on to Maia about. We see Mike talking with Spencer and a grand jury about what’s going on. Elsa tries to delete info from her Elsa device, but it doesn’t seem to happen when Mike takes it from her. They learn that Travis might not exist. Mike talks to Maia’s father. He wants to talk to her again. Maia goes over to her or her girlfriend’s place.

Amy and Maia say that they might have to move from their place, but this could be a lie of some sort. Rose Leslie is great at acting. They both turn off their recordings. He says that they are coming after her. He says that a grand jury will try to indict their firm and start in ten minutes by giving them subpoenas. Mike wants to destroy the firm and he only wants them indicted for now. At least two people are given them, Lucca being one of them. Are you allowed to decline them?

Act two has everyone talking about what’s going on at the firm with the other firm going after them. Elsa thinks that their clients could be scared off and the firm would go bankrupt as a result. She feels that Wilbur is the person who can close down the grand jury and is the best way to go on the case. Adrian talks in front of the jury about being an African American firm, as does Barbara, I think.

Marissa wants to learn Italian and come back as a shark in her next life. I think that ABC has a way of doing this. She gets served. Colin’s firm doesn’t like that they had brought race into the trial? Is that what it is? Mike gets served as well. He confronts the odd Elsa about this. She is just wonderful. I might like her more than Rose Leslie as an actress. Is she a starring member of the cast yet?

Act three Elsa talks to the investigator of the firm whose name I can’t remember as I’m not even sure that I know it offhand. The information relates to the Rindall case in question. Colin admits that he’s dating a lawyer at the firm to someone at his firm. He is defense at the case. Adrian is the plaintiff. After some discussion, Colin is not able to dismiss the case in question.

Lucca is brought in as second chair as Adrian takes the stand. On cross examination, there is some talking back and forth as the judge of this case, Judge Gallo, doesn’t like the fact that Mike, the defendant, didn’t show up to the trial. Meanwhile, at the grand jury trial, Marissa keeps bringing up race, much to the annoyance of Spencer. She then gets on her cell phone which shouldn’t be allowed at a courthouse.

Back at the civil case, a new person is on the stand. Elsa seems to think that he might be trying to steal clients or do something bad with them relating to the firm. Colin and Lucca talk after the case is on recess and make out. He admits that he was told to break up with her. But are they really dating? In my mind, since they only seem to have a sexual relationship, they aren’t doing anything that serious, non fuck buddies do. Back at the case, there are more issues and more people are served.

Act four has Mike talking with the two people who are on the stand at the same time for some reason. They talk to Diane, who has been absent from a lot of this episode, and Adrian over the case from the very first episode. The evidence might have been something she could get disbarred over. They bring up mirror puffery as a defense. What is that? I know the ad term puffery, but don’t think that’s the same thing.

Marissa learns that there is a photo tech id number that is important and relates to Diane in some way. Diane says that the lawyers were exaggerating to get people hired in the case. Mike is convinced that there is wrong doing and will bring in Henry, the father of Maia, in order to clear things up at the grand jury.

Act five has Diane talking to Adrian. She feels that she has to resign from the firm. He wants her to fight. Perhaps this will be a good fight? It would make sense since I didn’t know if this had a meaning before. Maia confronts Henry again. He explains some of why he has done what he’s done, in order to help himself. She threatens him with lack of not seeing any potential kids.

After some debate in the court, Elsa calls Henry to the stand. He admits that he was offered a lighter sentence in exchange for his testimony here. I have no idea what is going on with a lot of this Henry stuff and love that I’m not sure that I can tell who is on what side. Mike tells Elsa that it isn’t over after the backlash at the trial, even if it is implied that he might have been lying later to protect Diane. Lucca might have done something bad, at least to Colin, but he still comes to her place.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, Colin’s mom notices the new relationship, Maia continues to have issues with Henry as she stopped talking with him, there might be a power struggle of sorts at the firm, and who knows what else who didn’t already spend their money on seeing this. I’ll see what happens later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


After this post, I should be up to date on sharing all of the other blogs that I have at the moment. Since you know that I have and still have a blog about The Good Wife, I still update it with various stories about what is happening with the cast of that show now. Well, I have another blog about a show that ended. That blog is about CSI: Cyber and has a series of cast updates as well. Here’s a link to it.

4 9 일부터 20 일까지의 시간 문제는 34 페이지에서 시작하는 기사에서 올림픽 전에 남한과 남한 간의 온난화 관계에 대해 이야기합니다. 또한 북한과 북한 간의 계획된 정상 회담이있었습니다 우리. 스테이크가 들어갔다. 기사에 따르면 김준 (Kim Jun Un) "돈과 안전" 원했다. "미국과 동맹국 모두가 가난한 보유국을 중립화함으로써 이익을 얻을 "이라고 언급했다. 이번 협상에 대한 잠재적 장애물이 있었지만, 외교는 종종 모든 전쟁보다 외교가 좋은 아이디어였다.

If you haven’t heard it by now, there was an important Oregon vote on climate change that was supposed to go on. It didn’t happen as the Democrats didn’t have enough of their own votes in order for it to happen. The main reason that it was newsworthy was that Republican’ts fled the state ahead of the vote in order to deny an official high enough number of people that would have needed to vote on it.

It is no secret by know that people have accused Trump of rape or other allegations like it. But no one seems to care and people might just feel like women are lying in order to try to ruin the reputation of a man that people hate already. Seriously? All I can wonder is why they are convinced of the guilty of Democrats like Al Franken, but to not seem to find any of their own to possibly be guilty.

What we need nowadays are people of both parties working together. I don’t know why this hasn’t already happened. Here, I included a story about a person who is trying to run for office by getting signatures to get on the ballot. He seems to be doing better than most people are at convincing people to work together.

Act one starts with a person with a green screen background going on a sexist rant about why he feels that women aren’t as good at coding as he is. A man is worried about how these rants will affect his site so he seeks the firm for help. He is glad that he is at an African American firm. There are at least four piles to deal with. Maia is on the phone with her father briefly. The firm deals with how to deal with all of these different people based on what they said and if it is bad enough to get them banned in some way or another.

Maia reveals some rape threats against her based on her scandal. Lucca and Colin talk on the phone with each other. He’s upset that their most important case has issues and is being ignored. His boss says that he is obsessed too much with the cases that Lucca’s firm is doing.

Act two has people continuing to discuss what language means someone should get banned from the site. Marissa talks to the investigator guy about what she needs to do to get a license and be official. Maia talks to her uncle before she cancels what he had planned on the phone since she’s told that he’d be wearing a wire. Back at the firm, there is still a lot of fighting going on over what to do the potential bans. Lucca thinks that there should be an appeal process.

Act three has Maia talking about what Henry, her father, was doing that her uncle had talked about. Elsabeth talks to Maia about this. Aida is the annoying device that this lawyer has. I thought that Aida was an evil robot. Elsabeth says that Maia should give Henry false information or not see him at all. Elsa suggests recording it if she goes through with it. Felix, a man who was banned, goes on a spiel about why he feels that they have their own agenda.

This scene is even weirder than what I’m used to from The Good Wife. Damon is brought in to serve as an example of something too weird. Felix warns that his alt-right team might be against the firm now. Diane notices that these people are keeping their posts limited to twelve when the number to ban people at is thirteen. Lucca is with a man who might be on a date with her, only she gets distracted by Colin who she had sex with again earlier when he stops by now.

Maia then goes to what seems like it might be a party of sorts. This is where she sees her father, mother, and various other people. She does record things and gives the recording to Elsa later. At Elsa’s advice, Maia brought up a made up person named Travis Leopold who is used to bait Henry with. Marissa talks to a man who reveals that Felix has the transcripts of the meetings. But who leaked? Julius seems to be the person that Adrian suspects.

Act four has Felix talking about Delilah, a woman that he wanted to shut down in some way. She gets a lot of threats and terrible words at her. They still think that he had targeted them and their firm. He mentions that there are other people who had attacked him in some way. Neal was the person who put the firm in charge of the case and Felix hints that they might have set them up.

Elsa talks about the info that she told Maia to give and wants to know if Henry was working against them or not. Marissa then goes undercover with the investigator at the firm whose name I can’t remember. They are talking to Felix’s boyfriend. They seek to get information that way. Marissa learns that Neil Gross has been used as a joke of sorts in place of the n word.

Lucca talks to Colin about their relationship and they go out again to a location of his choosing. She kisses him while he is driving a car, which seems kind of dangerous in a way. I think that part of the show was cut out of the network version. But this might have only been someone’s imagination. She is bothered that he is rich. Aren’t most, if not all, lawyers rich? Julius was suspected as the leak and walks out of this place. He briefly talks to someone on the phone, saying that they were right.

Act five has Diane talking to Neil about the lack of censorship going on. He says that they are like savages which I thought was the Native American version of what the n word is to black people. Diane says that Felix is reinstated in the group again. He is actually a bit upset by this. They think they identified the leaker who might have been Neil or someone else that I didn’t quite understand the identity of. Colin mentions to Lucca that he thinks that Travis Leopold gave her firm a bribe.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, Mike is back and a lot is going on as it seems that Henry might learn that his daughter, Maia, had fed him false information. The relationship between Lucca and Colin might be ending sooner than you’d think. I do not know what all will happen with them in the next episode or through the whole series. But I could look up spoilers at one point if I wanted to. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.