this post isn’t on the usual day, then I might as well get to three things. You
will need first an explanation then both good news and bad news. The explanation
is simple. I have a cheat that means a blog must be updated on a specific date.
It was in the TV blog then moved to the Madam Secretary blog. With both of
those blogs alternating Thursdays and this date being the date that needed used
next, that cheat will mean that this blog will now get those updates. This leads
to the good news. Because of the sheer number of these cheats that I have, this
will mean that this blog will now be posted more than once a month for quite a
while. The bad news is that this will no longer be on set days of the week and
updates will be random at times or at least seem that way in the end.
for the actual post of this blog, it’s time to talk about the Iowa race for
senate this year. This seat has been held by Democrats in the recent past and
some sources are saying that this could be one of them that could flip back.
The race is between Republican incumbent Joni Ernst and Democratic challenger Theresa
Greenfield. Theresa may not have as much experience as I would like, but she is
better than a yes man, err, woman.
is against Obamacare, EPA, and the Department of Education. She votes with
Trump a lot. It is a bit over 90% of the time that she votes with him. That gives
her the potential to be turned on since it might not be enough (Remember Mark
Sanford?). She is also against the scientific consensus of climate change
because why admit that a problem exists and needs solved?
she was running in the primary back in 2014, she was criticized for missing
votes to the point of being called AWOL. She shot back at that term and I agree
that it was not the right term to use with a military person. But she did miss
a lot of votes and not all of them were due to serving in the National Guard at
the time.
many people still don’t believe the severity of coronavirus and Joni is one of
them as she thinks that the numbers are higher than they are in reality. She even
siding with the QAnon conspiracy theory which she thinks proves her point about
worse than her dismissal of the current pandemic was her treatment of Obama
during the Ebola outbreak. Only two Americans died during that which is still
two too many, but she seems to be completely fine with what I’m sure will be
hundreds of thousands of deaths before this year is over, thinking that Trump
is actually leading the way with what should be done.
voting to acquit the guy in the White House of the Ukraine scandal, she became
part of the dangerous belief that it is Biden and not Trump who was doing wrong
in this scandal even though there has yet to be any proof of wrongdoing by
Biden. She wants to impeach Biden despite criticizing the Democrats for what
would effectively be the same thing that she thinks that they were doing during
Trump’s impeachment.
seems to have a complicated history with rape. She says that it happened to her
and there was an emotional scene displayed by her when a story about it was
leaked, if I have my info about it right. She rightfully called out issues with
the military when they had scandals with it. But she also voted to confirm
someone accused of attempted rape to the Supreme Court and she isn’t in favor
of voting for the Violence Against Women Act. What gives?
I know that Joni isn’t a good senator to most people. She might be one to
Republicans that like her support of the guy in the White House, but not to Independents
and certainly not Democrats. Thus, the vote is clear. If you can vote in Iowa,
then vote for Theresa Greenfield for senate this year.