You have probably heard a new Republican talking point by now called legal votes. They love to say this and it is purposefully misleading. They are trying to get the idea that illegal votes exist and cost them elections. That is why they phrase it that way and not simply wanting all the votes counted, they have to add legal to it.
need to call this out whenever they hear this phrase. They should point out
that all votes are legal and that a Republican led commission to find voting
fraud found no fraud. There is no such thing as illegal votes as Republicans
would have you believe.
talking point came from Trump after the 2016 election. He was so butt hurt over
having lost the popular vote by MILLIONS that he was convinced that he did win
the popular vote “if you don’t count those that voted illegally.” He won an
election but still didn’t like the results of the votes in the end. Thus, the
inklings of the phrase legal vote came to be.
votes are legal and the type of widespread fraud that would somehow only
prevent certain Republicans from winning just isn’t real and is illogical to
anyone with half a brain. So even if alien bugs from outer space crawled up
into your ear and took half of your brain away, it still would not make sense
for the phrase legal votes to be popularized to the point of being used as much
as it is. This phrase needs to die and people need to call it out for the shit
that it is.