I have no idea when or hopefully even if I’ll finish my post on the results of the 2020 presidential election. I’m hoping that it can be next month’s post. If that won’t be the case, then I’ll be getting a post done in this year’s Missouri senate race instead. I might get a post in on the secretary of state elections too, although I won’t know for sure if I’ll have time for that, especially if I’m doing only one post in this blog done a month. Considering how every election is time sensitive, then I might as well do this one and not waste time on election based posts not related to something that needs done.
of stuff that needs done, I’m going to talk about the Illinois race for
governor. It has the incumbent, J. B. Pritzker, running against a nurse in the
primary, but otherwise poised to do well in both that primary and the general
election. I even did a YouTube video called Pritzker doesn’t suck, which is in
reponse to the signs thoughout the state that says that he does.
that being said, this Democratic incumbent has made a lot of questionable
choices in his time in office so far and there is some rightful criticism of
his time in office. Oddly, though, we have not seen this in the ads so far
before the primaries. Maybe they are waiting until after? Maybe they just want
to know who will be the Republican nominee first before firing that weapon at
him since they want to save their resources until then.
get to the nominees in the Republican primary. There are a lot of boring,
unelected people in the race like Gary Rabine, Jesse Sullivan, and Max Solomon.
There’s social justice warrior Darren Bailey who loves to promote the fact that
he sued Pritzker and won while failing to add that the lawsuit affected only
him and benefitted no one else. There’s Richard Irving who likes to use a lot
of right wing talking points and will probably be the nominee. Then there’s
Paul Schimpf, the only Republican in the race that I can stomach. He has
experience, but you would not even know that he’s running around here due to
his lack of ads. Since the Democratic primary seems pointless to me this time
around, I’m voting in the Republican primary for Paul Schimpf. He’s the
only Republican nominee that I’d vote for in the general election.
seems like Irving and Bailey are attacking each other over who is the most
conservative. Some are accused of being either liberal or even too liberal. Why
is that a go to attack? And while I guess that it might work to an extent in a
Republican primary in Illinois, there is no way that it would work in the
general election in a state this blue. And despite the fact that Madigan has
resigned over a year ago, he’s still used as a line of attack by Republicans.
with the primary on June 28th of this year with early voting
already having begun, I would suggest just sticking with J. B. Pritzker
in the general election and let him continue his time in office that he
deserves to extend.