Monday, December 19, 2022

Politics: 2022 Secretary of State Election Results

I don’t have much time for blogging right now and have put most of my blogs under hiatus. This cannot be one of them, so I scheduled this update in advance for the date that I must post it in my mind. I don’t have to do another update of this blog until the last day of January. This might mean that I can finally finish writing that one post that should have been made a good long while ago that I’ve worked on at times and is sort of outdated already, but still needs to be made.


Getting back on topic, I remember writing about the America first secretary of state coalition. It is the main reason why I cared about secretary of state elections this year and will in the future. I had already stated that this group already had more failures than successes in just the primaries alone. And when it came to the general election, only Diego Morales of Indiana won in the end. I’m still concerned about him and that state. But I am less concerned about other states and the candidates that lost those elections.


As for the rest of the elections, they were all fairly boring with only one seat flipping. Nevada’s Republican secretary of state lost to a Democrat. The rest all remained in control by the same party. That’s all that there is to tell you about in this post. It wasn’t as interested as a “death match” that people like Trump wanted it or made it out to be.