Well, I’ve decided that after much procrastination, I’m finally getting this post done. And while I am glad that I didn’t do this sooner, I’m still wanting to get this done at some point. It has been over a year since the 2020 presidential race happened. And I feel like talking a whole lot about it. I hope that you will understand why I made this post as long as I did and felt that I needed as much time to get it together as I did. But I’m tired of it not being done. It might not even be done to the extent that I want it done. But I’m finally getting it done.
start a bit with some on the Democratic primary. It was a long and hard fought
battle. But it did come to an end. The most notable thing that happened as that
was still winding down and Biden was not yet the nominee was the Wisconsin
primary that was happening during the pandemic and during shutdown orders. It
was the conservative leaning court of Wisconsin that did not allow a delay in
the primary. I wonder what they were doing during this time. Oh, wait. I do
know for a fact what was going on.
to the Republican primary, if you follow this blog, you would have known that
there were people other than Trump running for that nomination. The two major
candidates both wound up endorsing Biden in the end. The GOP should have seen
that this was an issue and tried to make someone else the nominee. Maybe they
didn’t have a possible winning candidate in the mix. But instead of denouncing
the most poisonous person in their whole party, they did the exact opposite and
rigged it so that he was the nominee.
course, a lot of much better candidates would want to get rid of Trump. But
they just don’t know what’s good for them in the long run. Even they knew some
of their own issues in the end. Some Republican politicians have even admitted
to what they’ve known on camera even. And some of the Trump voters aren’t going
to vote for either him or any Republican ever again. I could go more into the
weirdness of the supposed liberal media’s focus on all of the voters for
Hillary Clinton who went for Trump or other similar things like that, but
that’s worthy of its own blog post in the future.
I will get to talking more about the conventions later in the post. I was going
to do posts about that right after they happened, but then Ruth Bader Ginsberg
died so I switched to doing posts on the Supreme Court instead. (That was a
different blog.) This is one of the many ways in which this presidential race
became unlike any other and there became so much for me to cover that I have
already sort of split this up into multiple posts, some already published by
now. But there was an issue with forming a platform that became twofold for the
Republicans. One was the first platform that they adapted for the convention:
the same one as 2016’s with there being lots of criticism of the current
president, now Trump. The second one that they did, when they realized that
they shouldn’t criticize their king, was just full support for him.
of this terminology, King Trump became one of my ways of mocking him which I
plan to cover more in the future in a post in my Madam Secretary blog by going
through nicknames that I have for him. It seemed fitting when it came to
Trump’s now first impeachment. Many of the Republicans remain convinced that
this was somehow Biden’s fault that Trump sought to withhold military help from
Ukraine. And then there are people who think that he learned his lesson despite
not being removed from office. Trump thinks that he should at least have the
immunity of a monarch. But a wrongdoer doesn’t learn a lesson by not being
a bit before Biden even entered the race officially, it seemed like he was the
one that many people felt should be the nominee. Either that, or they felt that
he had the best chances of winning or doing well. He did get more votes than
any other person in history for this office. I did not originally like the idea
of Biden being president. I do have to wonder: Why did people want Biden? Did
they know something that I didn’t? And why was the right vilifying him? I may
not know for sure why they wanted him, but they were right. He did make the
right nominee.
what a good nominee for president needs is a good vice-presidential candidate.
And that’s what we got with Kamala Harris. I wasn’t even sure who she was at
some point. But she is a nice and articulate person. She’s the first in many
ways and the second biracial vice-president by now. Of course, people look at
her only being partly black and make it seems like that whole thing shouldn’t
make her black at all. Of course, these people are wrong.
I should circle back to the pandemic caused by coronavirus. Trump had horrible
leadership with the whole pandemic while Biden actually knew what to do or at
least was thinking that there could be issues that were there. The contrast is
quite noticeable.
course, there were issues that Trump himself was causing whether or not he
meant to. He knew that minorities or non-whites were more likely to die from
the pandemic. And this could mean that many Biden supporters would be dead and
unable to vote. Of course, Trump would wind up with his rallies causing 700
deaths in the lead-up to the election according to one source that I had read
before, but isn’t linked here. Still, here’s a graphic and a link.
Edit: I forgot to include the two photos when I first published this, but here it is now:
wasn’t a true pandemic under the Obama administration. But many people like
Mike Pounce and Trump insisted that Swine Flu had to be worsely handled than
they had handled covid19. The evidence says otherwise. Plus, if Swine Flu was
as bad, then maybe there would have been a bigger, more different response to
never know just how different things would have been pandemic wise under Hillary
Clinton as president. I doubt that there would have been as much racism. I know
this because the right has already shifted from a blame China narrative to a
blame Biden one. I think that things would have likely been handled way better
under her. So does the writer of his article.
think that it was quite clear that Trump was making the pandemic worse whether
he meant to or not. He didn’t want to do pandemic relief under after the
election was over. He also did want to insist on another round of stimulus
before he left office.
we had the racial protests which lead to a now infamous moment at Lafayette
Square. This was an addition to other protests and riots all over the country.
Some related to shutdowns related to the pandemic. Trump made a terrible
decision. I have no idea why conservatives can’t see it that way.
(American Carnage at Lafayette Square)
all of this horrible pandemic stuff, Trump insisted that he hold a Tulsa rally
and then went on and continued to keep holding rallies. Not only did he do
that, he wanted to have immunity from any potential lawsuits from these
rallies. What infections could they cause? Well, a lot. And Herman Cain was
just one of many fatalities in Trump’s attempt to stay in office.
the issues in DC weren’t bad enough, it wasn’t long before there were issues in
Portland with some apparent secret “police” straight up kidnapping people or
doing other illegal things. That’s why Lafayette might have only been a trial
run. But if this starts happening in blue states, what happens when it happens
in red states? Then would conservatives know about it and worry that it could
happen to them?
as promised, I will get to talking about the conventions. First was the
Democratic National Convention or DNC. I will go through each night, one by one
at a time. I will then do the same for the Republican National Convention or
on the DNC: Night 1- This was probably the least interesting night out of all
of them. But it was still good. They made use of Republican John Kasich, one of
many people who wanted Trump to lose. Bernie Sanders had his moment.
Thankfully, there wasn’t nearly as much division over his nomination loss as
there was back in 2016. There was also the closing by Michelle Obama which was
nice and the moment with health care workers was enjoyable.
2- The standout of this night that might have been the best part of the whole
convention was the roll call. I’ve never understood it as it seems weird that
they are always focusing on the person or people who didn’t win the nomination
by mentioning them a lot. Still, they should keep doing it this way instead of
the other ways that they have in the past. I also enjoyed more parts and focus
on health care and the video on John McCain.
3- This had Obama talking to us. This was at one point going to be the closing
of the night in question, which would have been a bad idea as it is always
supposed to be the candidate for vice-president giving their speech to close
out this night. Thankfully, that is what happened instead as Kamala Harris
spoke to end the night.
4 was the final night of the convention and had Biden speaking. I also like how
they had Julia Louis-Dreyfus there. We also saw Brayden Harrington, the kid who
stutters. He was a good person to see. It was a great way to end the convention
with Biden’s nice speech just looking forward to what could happen. Biden
didn’t even mention Trump in his speech at all. He wanted to look forward, not
important thing to note here is that while Republicans, the party of religious
nuts, somehow gets people to think that they are really and officially somehow
actually religious, there were a lot of religious leaders talking at the
Democratic convention. This can point out more of the truth about which party
really is better for Christians in the end.
then leads to my thoughts on the RNC. Since they had the incumbent president at
the time, they get to go second which means that they get to respond to us, an
advantage we don’t get. By then there were also protests going on that they can
capitalize on.
1 had notable speakers. One were the eternal Karens the McCloskeys who seek to
make all Republicans victims of cancel culture and none of them deserving of
whatever controversy got them in trouble. Then there was Kimberly Guilfoyle
with her yelling that got me to mute the TV. Nikki Haley wasn’t that bad a
part, but I’ll get to her in this link. There’s also Tim Scott, the token black
Republican now that helped milk Biden’s “vote for me or you ain’t black” gaffe
for all that it is worth. There was also the speaking with covid workers as
2 had the naturalization ceremony and was the best night of the convention by
simply being the least bad of all the nights. Still, they seemed to have
tricked people into being on TV since they didn’t know that it would be part of
the convention. And Trump didn’t help his status of not being racist by
butchering their names. He probably just saw them as potential votes and
nothing more or of further use.
3’s only real stand out was the Mike Pence nomination speech. He talked briefly
about the pandemic that he was put in control of while being a worthless boob
about the whole process. He did not do much of anything and this speech didn’t
stand out much in any way.
4 had pseudo-Christian Franklin Graham support the whole evangelical movement
towards Trump which is actually overblown as a lot of evangelicals don’t
support Trump. There were some many false beliefs of Trump being pro-life,
which is laughably wrong. We also got to Trump’s long speech, which had many
falsities such as him claiming that he supports those with pre-existing
conditions, something that is clearly not pro-life and made me go to the
bathroom as I was wanting instead to waiting out the whole speech.
were many differences between the conventions. The Democrats wanted to focus on
moving things forward while the Republicans just wanted to blame the radical
left on anything. We got covid infections after the convention. There were
worse ratings because of various reasons. We can blame a hurricane on part of
them. Biden even released ads about lies that were being told there.
you have followed this blog the whole time or even since it became just about
politics, then you will have noticed that I talked about the 2020 Supreme Court
vacancy and will talk about this more in a series of blog posts and YouTube
videos. Daily Kos called this in August of 2020. I am calling the senators
responsible for this monstrosity the injustice senators.
got the first presidential debate in the election and it may very well go down
as the worst one ever in US history. Biden held his own, but it speaks to the
further degradation of debates as a whole. 2004’s were civil. None since them
have been in control
found out later that the White House coronavirus outbreak was happening them at
the time with Trump even covid positive at the debate where he famously mocked
Biden for wearing a mask. He wound up in the ICU, but did survive. It was good
at the time as that meant that he didn’t throw the election into chaos. But with
Trump, things will never be remotely close to good in the end.
vice-presidential debate was pretty good, known for Kamala’s side eye and the
fly which did to Pence what it did to many a Survivor contestant back when that
was more of a thing. She is most remembered for her line: I’m speaking. She is
such a good person and it is weird that people don’t like her.
course, there were many of Mike Pence’s failings in office. From not impeaching
Trump to a little known story where he actually tried to keep Trump in office,
I have only two words to describe Pence’s presidential ambitions: how cute. He
had his chance after January 6th. That was the closest he ever
became to being president and he’ll never have that chance again.
Trump hospitalized and then quarantined, this lead to Biden getting a town hall
since this is what happens when a person, namely Trump, in this case, doesn’t
do a debate. But not likely the fact that Biden got one, there became dueling
town halls in the end. I still don’t know why they haven’t done two party’s
primary debates at the same time.
was then supposed to be the third presidential debate became presidential
debate two and it was handled much better. I think that the best way to do
debates would be to install a trap door beneath all of the candidates to
activate if they do something they shouldn’t.
presidential election of 2020 had a bunch of various nightmare scenarios going
into it that were pretty much certain to do terrible things to this country. I
mean, the amount of damage that Trump has done to this country is insurmountable.
leads to the post office crisis where a major Trump donor with zero experience
in the postal service wound up leading it. I might want to talk more about him
later, but am not sure what all the developments are about it or all the power
that Biden has to get rid of DeJoy.
(the truth about voting by mail)
failures of the Arizona GOP in 2022 were hilarious and awesome. Of course,
Trump wasn’t even trying to win that state as this link proves. And yet that is
the state he seems one of the most obsessed with trying to change the results
rhetoric lead to what are now obvious precursors of the storming of the
capitol. There was one notable one that happened in Michigan. I would be
shocked if not one single person who was responsible for this event didn’t also
storm the capitol.
his obvious loss which was certain to happen being the only president in US
history to never once have a majority of this country approve of him, there
were failure to accept results and he refused to commit to a peaceful transfer
of power. What’s bad is how his poodles fell right in line with him.
Charlie Barker's thoughts on Trump
refusing a peaceful transfer of power: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7rEN1ECcng
election led to a lot of false claims of fraud. There were so many of them that
even some of those in the Republican Party said they had enough of it. I do
have to wonder why so many of the social media platforms refused to outright
ban Trump and others doing this right away. There should not be rules for
politicians that are different than the everyman. They should be held to the
same standards as everyone else.
Republicans are convinced of voter fraud without realizing that it is likely to
take place more in their party than anything else. Dan Patrick, the lieutenant governor
of Texas, is actually offering a $1,000,000 reward for anyone who can find
evidence of voter fraud. We’ll see if he pays up since there is now evidence
that Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, is known to have committed voter
will be a recurring thread throughout the whole country. Some states will be
easier to vote in than other states. While it might be impossible for there to
be one national way of voting that applies to all of the states, there should
be if there can be so that people in one state are not at a disadvantage over
the simple act of voting than citizens of other states.
course, many Republicans will go back and point out that Stacey Abrams never
conceded her loss back in 2018. There are, of course, notable differences
between her lack of concession and Trump’s. For one, she wasn’t even the first
notable person who failed to concede her loss. Roy Moore had done that back in
2017. And even Trump is convinced that he won the popular vote in 2016 but
“illegal” votes prevented this from being known.
these people must not realize is that there is plenty of evidence supporting
that things were rigged against Stacey Abrams. I mean, the number of people
purged from voting in the state of Georgia that year far outnumbered the
difference between who voted for her and who voted for Brian Kemp. Plus, Kemp
was in charge of whether or not these purges happened at all. And if there was
anything that pointed to these purged people being able to vote at all, I have
not yet heard this from conservatives over three years after that election.
the supporters of Abrams never stormed the Georgia state capitol to overturn
the results of the election. There was never any violence or rioting from any
of them. She didn’t go through many lawsuits to change the results. She did
seem to want to improve voting in that state and how it worked at least that
year. I will explain more of the pratfalls with that later in this post, but
her changed did improve the state for at least one general election in 2020.
Republican’ts will point to her not accepting the results and Trump not
accepting the results as if they were the same exact thing. The false equivalcy
exists a lot with the Republican Party. They will look at a Democrat setting a
garbage can that’s outside on fire and a Republican that burned down an
orphanage as the exact same thing. They are not, of course. And if they think
that there’s a lot wrong with Democrats and that’s the reason why they should
behave badly, then maybe they should rethink their strategy since if they want
to be the better people, they can be. They often aren’t. It is normally the
Democratic Party that’s the better people. But they should never look at issues
with the Democrats, do worse things, and then say it’s the same. They should
make it their reason to NEVER behave that way.
leads to a whole assortment of weird beliefs by Republicans. If Biden has
connections to China, then why does Trump have the secret Chinese account? If
the election were stolen, then why did all the polls and signs point to Biden
winning? Furthermore, if the polling were as wrong as people claim, then why
did the record popular vote for Biden happen? If Biden is the rapist, how come
over a dozen of people have accused Trump of sexual misconduct while the one
person who accused Biden has been widely debunked? If Democrats want to
overturn the results of the election, then why are Republicans voting to do
that? If winning the popular vote shouldn’t matter, then why should state
legislatures get to choose electors instead? There’s more that I could get
into, but won’t.
was ensuring that 2021 became the most consequential January in the history of
politics in America. And he started this by calling Georgia secretary of state
to try to get votes. To tell just how crazy the right has become, many are
upset now at Brad Raffensperger for telling the truth or that the phone call
was recorded and not that Trump did crimes while doing this. Here’s a link to
the phone call and some stories about this.
phone call link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW_Bdf_jGaA
course, this leads to the storming of the capital, one of the worst events in
US history. It is hard to know for sure how this even happened since people
said that they would do this and you’d think that after covid, people would be
more prepared for things. This isn’t just saying the quiet part outloud. It is
yelling it on a microphone. Here’s a ton of links about it and a link to The
Mob Song which accurately decribes the event.
New York
Times documentary on 1-6-2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWJVMoe7OY0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5zFojmDkDQ (The Mob Song)
leads to the unprecedented second impeachment of Trump. It seems that the
Republican’t Party insisted on delaying this until he was no longer in office
to give them reason to acquit him a second time as if there was nothing to vote
out. What all went wrong? Well, most of them want his supporters and they can’t
vote against him while trying to keep his supporters around.
there are some good Republicans in the bunch who wanted Trump out of office to
the point of voting to convict him (I’ll get to them shortly), the vast
majority of them just would not vote him out of office. The acquittal was sad.
It was pathetic. It let people know that they simply did not care about all of
the bad things that Trump has done.
House Republicans in favor: Liz Cheney of Wyoming, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio,
Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, John Katko of New York, Adam Kinzinger of
Illinois, Peter Meijer of Michigan, Dan Newhouse of Washington, Tom Rice of
South Carolina, Fred Upton of Michigan, David Valado of California
House Republicans not voting: Kay Granger of Texas, Andy Harris of Maryland,
Greg Murphy of North Carolina, Daniel Webster of Florida. I have no idea why
these people didn’t vote at all. Maybe some were quarantined?
Senate Republicans in favor: Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of
Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Lisa Murkowski
of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska
do believe that the presidential transition from Trump to Biden was the third
worst one in US history. The second worst was in 1876, the transition from Grant
to Hayes. The country was in a full blown constitutional crisis then due to a
highly disputed election resolved in one of the most partisan votes in US
history that nearly plunged us into a second Civil War. The absolute worse one
was undoubtedly the Buchanan to Lincoln one in regards to the 1860 election
where we did wind up in a civil war. But while these two transitions had huge
issues largely beyond the presidents in charge, the 2020 election problems had
only one issue that Trump did himself. The other two could not be blamed on the
outgoing presidents as terrible and ineffective as Buchanan will forever be as
a leader.
else didn’t attend the next president’s inauguration? It was John Adams, John
Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, and Andrew Johnson. Trump did something that
had not happened for over a century. And that was perfectly fine with us. He
was like the whiny child who is told that he couldn’t attend a birthday party
and then declares: “I didn’t want to go to that stinking party anyways!” Like
nearly everything, it is a lie.
everything against him, Trump is somehow still the frontrunner of the
Republican Party nominee for the 2024 presidential election. I can only hope
that he is in jail by then. What can I think about Trump running in 2024 or
sooner? Two words: fuck that. He might have even tried to run for the House at
one point and try to win the Speaker of the House.
of this, I might as well get to this here since I want to include this in the
post. In the event that there is not a winner of the presidential election
decided somehow by noon on January 20th when the new president is to
take office, who would become president? It would not be the incumbent
president staying in charge, especially if their second term is set to expire.
It would be the Speaker of the House, or in this case, Nancy Pelosi, who would
take office as president of the United States. I am pretty sure that as much as
conservatives hate Biden, they hate Pelosi more. And yet all of this fight in
order not to certify the election was all just going to make her president
instead of Trump staying in office. While I’m not entirely sure if any vote
against certifying the result of the election would make this happen, I do know
that such an event where Pelosi took office was more likely to happen than
Trump staying in office.
Trump 2024 campaign is now underway with him trying to get back into office,
get more of his cult’s money, and escape accountability for his many crimes. I
think that there better be a good Republican getting in that race soon. We need
someone like Larry Hogan.
let’s not forget that there is plenty of proof of Russian interference in
elections and there is a lot of proof that they want Trump or his allies to
win. They interfered in various elections in 2016, 2018, and 2020. And the
Republican lead senate at the time confirmed it while they were out to do the
opposite. Here are a lot of important links relating to Russia.
(the most important of these links)
are various links that I felt were all important regarding the election at
hand. I can only hope that these stand the test of time and are still relevant
today as this long delayed post finally goes up at the deadline I’m forcing
myself to do it on.
is something else that I want to cover in this post and that’s Trump’s
influence on the Georgia senate runoffs and how Warnock and Ossoff both won. In
my mind, people are far too quick to give Trump all of the credit and while he
deserves some of it, to give him all of it would be to discredit all the good
works that both Warnock and Ossoff did that got themselves elected. We also
need to credit Georgia’s election laws and Shane Hazel’s affect on the regular
race (the one Ossoff won). Shane was the third party candidate who acted as a
spoiler and forced the run-off to happen in the first place. We also shouldn’t
discredit just how terrible both of the Republican candidates in this race
let’s get to some brief trivia about the presidential race. Biden got the same
Electoral College votes that Trump did in 2016. Biden got more votes cast for
him than any other person who ever ran for president. Trump also did get more
votes than any other president who was still in office as the incumbent as he
claims, but let’s not forget that many more people voted for Biden by millions
more than Trump. This is also the first election since 1960 in which the winner
of Ohio didn’t win the election. There’s more out there, but Trump was clearly
the biggest loser, a much better NBC show than the Apprentice ever was.
is the proof that Trump is the biggest loser of a presidency in US history:
from The Week issue dated 2-19-2021 page 16 quoting The Washington Post: “[The
Insurrectionist’s] insistence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen
from him has cost taxpayers at least $519 million. That tally includes the
costs of sending National Guard troops to Washington, D.C., defending against
lawsuits, security for poll workers who faced death threats, and repairing
damage to the Capitol after the January 6 insurrection.”
if Republicans can’t enjoy the rules that exist, they immeditately seek to
change the rules at hand. This especially applies to their own rules. And while
there have been forced pained transistions from one governor to another based
on the incoming Democratic governor not having the same privileges anymore that
the outgoing Republican one did, things can seem to only get worse at the state
level even when you think we are improving things nationally. I was once
hopeful that the fact that Republicans didn’t have control of the House in 2018
nor would in 2020 that such power grabs wouldn’t be possible to happen as
Republicans would need both houses of whatever legislative branch they have in
order to do it. Those hopes weren’t just dashed. They were taken out back and
shot multiple times before being blown up.
conservatives don’t realize or possibly don’t care about is the laws that they
are passing are going to suppress their own voters. There’s already evidence of
this in the Texas primary of 2022. Most people know that black Republicans
exist. That’s what their token, Tim Scott, is all about. Here’s a picture of
him. Besides, in a warped way, Republicans want this to happen because then it
can give credence to the belief that voters fraud is real and lead to stories
like these that most smart people can debunk. Of course, they’ll need a new one
once he retires.
When it comes to Trump’s claim of fraud, there are far too much focus on all of the people that do support his claim. I’m annoyed that the media even gives it coverage despite the fact that they keep pointing out the fact that there is no evidence. None of the lawsuits mention evidence. I’m not doing research to prove their point, although, as always, whatever research I would do would disprove them. And as long ago as the election was, you’d think by now that there would be evidence if there were any. Anyways, what should be important is that there are a whole slew of Republicans who reject Trump’s claim of fraud.
most notable Republicans that I can think of to include in the list of people
who support the simple and true belief that Biden won the election are, in no
particular order: George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh,
Jerry Moran, Marco Rubio, Doug Ducey, Kay Ivey, Brian Kemp, Mark Sanford, Mark
Brnovich, Brad Raffensperger, Bret Baier, Ben Shapiro, and Alyssa Farah. Those
are hardly all of them, but ones I feel are worth including.
everyone who knows the law would believe that Trump should go to jail. And the
sooner they can do it, the better. They’ve been investigating him since back
while he was even still the president. One can hope that this happens before
the 2024 presidential election starts since he would otherwise be running for
office. And while I’m certain a whole slew of Republicans would campaign on
wanting to pardon Trump or commute his sentence, more are even more eager to
make sure he’s out of the way. We can only hope that they aren’t worse than
him. I fear for the potential of a Ron DeSantis presidency or even him as
Trump’s number two. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
countries have had former leaders go to jail? They are, in no particular order:
Tajikistan, Manchukuo, Congo, Nicaragua, Sudan, Argentina, Costa Rica, Bolivia,
Romania, El Salvador, Philippines, Adjara, Kyrgyzstan, Guinea, Nazi Germany,
Burma, Libya, Zimbabwe, Hungary, Trinidad and Tobago, Nenets Autonomous Okrug,
Turkey, Grenada, Algeria, Italy, Republika Srpska, Comoros, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Grenada, Pakistan, Central African Republic, Bulgaria, Western
Australia, Guinea-Bissau, Albania, Malawi, Papal States, England, Scotland,
Ireland, Taiwan, Zambia, Mongolia, Pitcairn Islands, South Korea, Guatemala,
Montserrat, Nepal, Mengjiang, Nigeria, Kharkiv Oblast, Suriname, Libya, Haiti,
Egypt, Somali Republic, Cameroon, Bangladesh, Panama, Togo, Ecuador,
Kyrgyzstan, Apulia, Lombardy, Papal States, France, Burundi, Peru, Argentina, India,
French Polynesia, Veneto, Ivory Coast, Calabria, Rwanda, Paraguay, Transkei,
Bulgaria, Greece, Serbian Krajina, Uruguay, Donetsk People’s Republic, São Tomé
and Principe, Liberia, Tunisia, North Kurdufan, Malawi, Ethiopia, Niger,
Tanzania, Zanzibar, South Korea, New Brunswick, Chad, Iceland, Chernivtsi
Oblast, East Germany, Japan, Iran, Grenada, Comoros, Senegal, Aceh, Slovenia,
Pitcairn Islands, Congo-Kinshasa, Confederate States, Papua New Guinea, Congo-Brazzaville,
Vanuatu, Finland, Zambia, Mali, Yemen, Luhansk People’s Republic, Democratic
Kampuchea, Iraq, Netherlands Antilles, Kingdom of Bulgaria, Cote D’Ivoire, Khakassia,
Ventspils, Ciskei, Mari El, China, Quebec, Equatorial Guinea, France, Mexico,
Brazil, Congo-Léopoldville, Russian Republic, Yukon, Lazio, Madagascar, Umbria,
Maldives, Cayman Islands, Serbia, Yugoslavia, Turks and Caicos, Anjouan,
Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Burma, Karelia, Democratic Kampuchea, Israel, Abruzzo,
Guatemala, Ciskei, Ukraine, Pakistan, Vichy France, Estonia, Chile, Fiji,
Basilicata, Costa Rica, Sicily, Soviet Union, Georgia, Dominican Republic,
Curaҫao, Armenia, Barotseland, Emilia-Romagna, Wallachia, and maybe others that
I missed.
is a very long list full of tons of countries that some of you might not have
even known had existed at all. You might think that it would be an
embarrassment for the United States to join that list of countries. But it
would be an embarrassment if the US DIDN’T join that list. All that a Trump
pardon would do is enrage the left and embolden the right. What else would they
do and try to get away with? Plus, some of these countries on the preceding
list had their kings go to jail, thus disproving the talking point that kings
are above the law.
did underline the one most important example of a country belonging on the list
of their leader going to jail: the Confederate States. Trump did seem to come
the closest to waging war on his own country since they did it. I’d say to let
the right get pissed off if he gets arrested and goes to jail. A jury of his
peers can decide his fate. Besides, we can’t let criminals get away with their
crimes. To do so would be a disservice to the American people.
finally end this long delayed post, it is now clear that the January 6th
committee thinks that there should be criminal charges filed against Trump. It
should happen. It must happen. I can only hope that it does, but I can’t be too
sure. I’m hopeful that Trump will be indicted. I don’t care if this will be
divisive. Give me a fucking break. It needs to happen and will be more divisive
not to put Trump in jail. Too many people with Trump got away with their crimes
so far. Of course, that includes those he either pardoned or commuted their
sentences of. While I have finally gotten this post done, the US justice system
better be quicker in finally getting Trump jailed. They have had all this time
and all this evidence. It needs to be done.