Thursday, February 3, 2022

Politics: On Political Sign Theft and Vandalism

While I want to talk about the upcoming 2022 elections, I won’t do it much in this post, but will cover a link here to keep track of some things in the meantime. I really need to get the long post done on the presidential race from over a year ago that people are still fighting about. I hope that this link will tide you over as I get to what this actual post in about:

There’s something that I want to write about. Getting to the actual point of this post, there are times when people of either party, but probably more than likely the Republican Party, wind up stealing political signs or vandalizing them.

Obviously, this shouldn’t be done. And not just because stealing and vandalism are both wrong and illegal, but because these people are just going to replace them with new signs which would further fund the campaign of people that one wouldn’t want in office. 

Simply put: don’t vandalize political signs or steal them either. If you don’t like them, do what I do: pretend to shoot them with paintball guns in your mind, getting a point for each drive. Don’t actually shoot them with anything or vandalize them in any way. Just pretend to.

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