I don’t have time for either of the main posts that I should be doing so I guess that I have no choice but to delay them even further to bring you this long delayed update of any kind. Some of you might want to support liberals by donating to money to candidates on Act Blue. You may not even want to support a candidate, but you can support just whatever Democrat wins whatever nomination against the Republican incumbent in that office. I have some advice for you if you want to do that.
Make sure that you use an email that you don’t care about and isn’t important
in any way for signing up for Act Blue. Never use a school email and especially
never use a work email. I suggest creating an original one that you want just
for this purpose. You won’t have to keep track of checking the emails because
the 2 emails you get daily from every candidate you have ever donated money to
won’t matter since you won’t have anything important on this email to keep
track of. I highly suggest using gmail in case you do want to filter them to
delete in the end in the event that there is more that you care about on this
Also avoid giving them a work cell phone number. You can stop any and all of
the texts that you get, but try not to give out your phone number to too many.
It’s sad that they force you to do this and that they will send you a shitton
all on the last day of every month (even New Year’s Day!), but you can at the
very stop them. In fact, if you have a landline still or know someone who does
and wouldn’t mind having their number in this system, give out that number and
know that they will never be able to text a landline.
Give as soon as possible after the primary results are in. The sooner they have
your money, the more they can do with it. So give as much as you want to as
many people as you want, just be sure to only give what you want to, as soon as
you want to, as much as you can afford, and try not to donate to someone by
Only give to candidates and not pacs. I think that I only once gave to a pac
and not because I wanted to but because I was confused by something that I
couldn’t really figure out what I might have done wrong. The only pac that
might be good to donate to is Operation 147.
If someone starts sending you emails that you neither signed up for nor donated
to, then you shouldn’t ever support them. I have no idea why so much email
sharing happens and it can even start to leak out into other emails that you
have. But I always hate it when I get emails from a candidate I’ve never heard
of and know that I haven’t supported or done email alerts of. In fact, I’m
unlikely to ever willingly sign up for email updates from a candidate ever
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