Monday, August 14, 2023

Politics: 2023 Kentucky Governor Election

It is becoming a bad habit of mine to lie and say that these updates were published before they really were to fit in with the dates that they were supposed to go up as I just don’t have the time for things that I used to when I was doing next to nothing with my life and had no career even though I had jobs. Anyways, let’s not focus on that and get to a special post on the Kentucky gubernatorial election this year before I hopefully get caught up on more of the past elections or maybe focus on next year’s presidential one.


Let’s start with the incumbent Democratic governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear. He has done a wonderful job leading through the pandemic. He has helped his state a lot throughout the many disasters and crises that it has gone through, such as the tornados and flooding.


Then we have the Republican challenger, Daniel Cameron. He is the current attorney general of the state. I have no idea how he wound up with the nomination. He has done a terrible job so far and beat far richer candidates.


How can he declare himself the law and order candidate? Well, this narrative myth that comes from the mind of the Republicans is worth a blog post in my Good Wife blog once I both bring back blog posts in it and do political updates in it since it needs to be destroyed. He tries to paint himself as the victim of, I guess, cancel culture, because he let corrupt cops get away with the murder of a black woman, namely Breonna Taylor. Thus, he supports cops, albeit cops who kill people, and turns his back on black people which is sad since he himself is also black.


He has even tried to get rid of Andy’s orders that have helped during the pandemic because the people who love freedom so much don’t care that getting rid of this causes death as they don’t bring up the negative affect it has on lives and livihoods and only make it a personal rights issue and not one that brings up how affective mask orders are.


I forget what all this link says, but I wanted to include it in this blog post. It might relate more to some of the stuff I talked about more elsewhere in this post so enjoy. I should have made more of a note about it in the end.


Since I live close enough to Kentucky to see the ads to it, I can talk about the political ads so far and responses to them. Basically, Daniel has stated that he supports police which you don’t want to do when they unlawfully kill someone. Andy has talked about his leadership during the pandemic. Daniel’s pac aired ads that are transphobic and largely seem to exist just to rile up his base. He has focused on more attacks like that. Well, his pac has as he hasn’t even been airing ads. He’s just letting them do the work for him instead of doing his own work.


Another thing that is worth noting about the ads is that by forcing Andy’s hand, we see whether or not he embraces some of the ludicrous stuff that he is said to support. He doesn’t disavow trans people, but he does say that he doesn’t support what Daniel claims he does.


Whatever you want to think, it is still the the state’s and country’s best interest to reelect their governor. Thus, my endorsement is for Democrat Andy Beshear in the Kentucky election for governor of that state.

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