If you are keeping track of when this show was
originally available on CBS all access versus when the show is airing for free
now (6-16-2019 versus 2-19-2017), the delay of time that is was 850 days. Does
that mean that whenever the second season will air for free (if it does), it
will also be a delay like that?
В «Тайме» от 14 мая 2018 года
была опубликована статья под названием «ФБР в кризисе», в которой объясняются проблемы,
возникающие с бюро после различных проблем, таких как неправильное обращение с
расследованием электронной почты Хилари Клинтон. Эндрю МакКейб помог утвердить
утечку в Фонд Клинтона незадолго до выборов в 2016 году, что заставило Джеффа
Сессиона уволить его до запланированной отставки. Это упомянуто на странице 37
этого выпуска. Джеймс Коми совершил две грубые ошибки, которые всех разозлили.
Сначала, 7-5-2016, он сделал пресс-конференцию, где он очистил Хилари Клинтон
от преступлений. При этом он возобновил расследование менее чем за две недели
до выборов, согласно странице 36 статьи. Все это заставляет задуматься, а не
была ли основная причина проблем с выборами связана с Россией вообще.
If I had to guess why the show is airing now, I
think that it is likely because of the new show that the showrunners of this
show will be doing on CBS called Evil. I think that this would help promote the
show in a way. I don’t think that it was an online petition or anything like
that which got this to air for free on TV.
Earlier in this blog, I had shared a video of
the ten hour version of the Harry Potter Ding Dong Song. Sometimes you will
hear people say that they watched all of a ten hour YouTube video but you won’t
believe them. Well, someone did watch all ten hours of that other video and
posted a video of themselves doing it. Here is a link to this other video in
Something that I might have to keep track of
some more at some point in time is the show Without a Trace. I plan to add
actors from that into cast updates of certain blogs of mine. I might even have
to post a link to the theme song from it here, but I don’t think that I will
since I have the first season on DVD and no one in the original cast ever left
the show. It is interesting as most shows aren’t like that.
Now since I won’t be able to post much about
politics in this blog for a while since I won’t know when I’ll be back with
posts at all after this, I might as well get to the idea that is going around
that Trump somehow isn’t racist. This idea would be laughable if so many people
weren’t trapped in this horrible line of thinking. What’s sad is that there are
some news outlets that aren’t helping dispel any of these myths.
In the meantime, we have to remember all sorts
of important things about the world. While one side seems to be stuck on the
wrong idea that climate change either isn’t real or isn’t caused by humans
(either to not fix the problem or because the coal or some other industry is
paying them enough money to continue to cause problems since they would be
negatively affected by it), another side realizes that there is only one planet
earth and we should save it. Solving climate change is important. And we might
have to solve it incredibly soon too.
Continuing the story of the false imprisonment
of a US born man who was detained by ICE, he seems to have gone through a lot
worse things than we realize. And he might have gone through stuff that illegal
immigrants (who are still human beings) might suffer through as well. This man
should become the face of changing the whole debate on illegal immigration.
Also earlier, I talked about the fake
presidential seal that had aired during one of Trump’s many campaign rallies.
The follow-up story to it explains who did this, but not how it wound up at the
rally, which I think remains unknown still.
We still have issues of people who are accused
of sexual misconduct in some way. Here is an article about another one. If this
were a Democrat, this would be the end of the nomination. But since this is a
Republican, then you can bet that this will not be the end of this story like
it should be.
If you ever hear about Trump having his highest
approval rating ever, know that while it isn’t a lie, it is not the full story
either. He has never had more than 50% of people supporting him in his approval
rating his whole term. No other president that had a recorded approval rating
failed to have a positive day of polling in their term.
Switching to the show for a bit, it is worth
noting that they keep saying Ponzi scheme over and over again and I haven’t
been saying it in this blog. The reason I haven’t been saying it is that I didn’t
know how to spell it and Word kept underlining it in red, making me think that
it wasn’t spelt right. Well now I was able to look it up and see what the real
spelling of it was.
There has been a lot of issues between the two
sides of our political world in this country. The main issues might be best
described in this article. People are convinced of things that just aren’t true
or correct. They live in their own world.
Interesting things that I have read about
protests and other things like that is about something that I never knew
before. Something important happened once called the silent protest. You can
read about it more here.
Now if someone ever tells you that both sides
are the same in regards to politics in that both are ridiculous or that both
are corrupt, then you should show them this article and point out the errors of
their ways. There are too many issues with what is going on in this world to
think that they are the same.
Since voter suppression is a huge problem, I
thought that I might as well explain some of what’s going on with that. What
can be done to fix it? Well, you might as well do any of the four things
mentioned here to fight this terrible issue.
Here is yet another article on this man whose
name I should remember and hope that people remember since he is very important
to the country now. They were seriously going to deport this US citizen simply
because they wouldn’t believe that he was born here. They wanted to get him to
do this.
There are huge problems caused by white
supremacy. But at least some people know that there issues with it and know
that they can stop it if they know of the problem and can prevent issues with
Now that there have been two new mass shootings
in less than 24 hours from each other, you might wonder what my thoughts on the
two new mass shootings are. One was in Dayton, Ohio. The other was in El Paso,
Texas. The Texas shooting was one done by a racist person inspired by Trump to
kill as many Hispanics as he could. The other one was by a more liberal minded
person who was inspired by Elizabeth Warren in some way. We don’t know enough
about either one right now, although I hope to find out more about them later.
It seems that people keep thinking that doing
nothing about mass shootings might do something to change it. Remember what
Einstein said insanity was. Maybe we are focusing on the wrong thing that
people can’t agree on right now. Whether or not we will ever be able to offer
any help besides thoughts and prayers is unknown.
Act one has Maia brought into the office in
front of Barbara and Adrian. They want her to be more bold and not apologize
too much for everything. She was in for a review of sorts. Lucca then comes in
for the same sort of thing. They want her to be a partner. The song from the
series premiere was briefly playing in the background. Maia and Lucca talk for
a bit with Maia worried about if they like her or not.
Marisa comes to bring a Mr. Stack (I think)
about a certain case where he is set up and accused of being a cyber terrorist.
There is some bad stuff on his computer that could cause a blackout that he has
no idea how it got there. He offers bitcoin as currency and there are some
random words on the screen about it. They wonder whether or not to take the
Act two is when Colin and Lucca talk to each
other. They had broken up. She gives him the flash drive with the information
on it regarding the crime. Henry is offered a deal to get less time in jail. He
calls someone for help. Diane gets a call about her husband and he was in a car
accident. People come for Lucca. She is being detained as a witness in a case.
Act three has Henry talking to someone. He doesn’t
want to go back to prison. He then calls Maia about attending dinner together.
He was also told not to say goodbye to anyone. Maia wonders what to do about
Lucca. Diane goes to the hospital in order to see Curtis, her estranged
husband. He had called her earlier this morning. She is really worried about
Colin doesn’t like what went on with Lucca. He
wants to quit, but gets promoted instead. There is chaos as they try to free
Lucca. Maia winds up with Adrian. Lucca is being charged with working with the
cyber terrorist. They don’t think that they have a good judge for this case.
Act four has this man from earlier explaining
to Henry that people want to go after Maia for perjury because of her testimony
to Sue Sylvester in the previous episode and Henry has to take the 35 years in
order to get her off. Marissa looks after who might have done something and
they find a man from earlier. Diane talks to him as Marissa is Jewish and Jay,
the investigator, is black. They still don’t know what he might be doing in
regards to the blackout.
Diane is shown a video of Curt and he is shown
to have saved a baby, the act that got him in the hospital. Adrian believes
that the flash drive might have been a Trojan horse. But it was an act of sorts
for some reason. Maia talks to Mr. Staples, the man who is very sinister and
showed up earlier this season. Maia fights with the other lawyer as the case
gets really crazy in some way.
Maia talks to her parents at a meal. Henry
wants to take the deal of 35 years, but still wants to have one last meal with
his family. Diane talks to Mr. Staples. He then talks to some man that I’m not
sure if we’ve seen before or not. This man is arrested. It is their client that
shows up and a blackout happens just when he wants to it.
Act five has Lucca being released as the real
hacker was caught. Diane and Adrian talk to each other about various things.
Meanwhile, the Rindalls eat a meal together. Maia learns that her father is
turning himself in. She wants him to fight, but he admits that he is guilty of
this. He paid off whoever learned or got suspicious of the Ponzi scheme. He is
then taken away.
Diane talks to Curtis about what all he has
done. He wants to invite her to dinner. He promises that an affair won’t happen
again. Lucca talks to Maia after showing up to where Maia lives. People show up
to where Maia lives. Since Henry fled, she is being placed under arrest. Now I
feel like I might have to get the second season on DVD as I’m not sure when or
if the second season will air on TV or not.
There will be some things to talk about in this
long closing, but not much that I will know for sure with no way or knowing
when or if this show will air its second season on TV. I won’t know for sure
when this blog will return as a result. If you go back to my first blog post,
it will have a link to my Good Wife blog. It is still updated at least once a
month. It will also include updates into who is not part of the cast of this
show after the first season of it was over.
I won’t know for sure when most of these
updates will be in this blog. I will be posting about elections in purely
political posts until there is a show for me to blog about again. The posts
will probably be on the second or third Fridays of each month. There could be
some on other times as well, depending on if there aren’t enough read posts in
my Elementary blog. I will not talk about elections that won’t matter at this
point in time.
What is the election schedule of what I’ll talk
about? Well, if you have ever read any of my Madam Secretary blog, you would
know which states I might care about in terms of senator and governor elections
more than others. I’ll also do ones about what happened in general with each
I’ll start with the 2019 elections. They are
the Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi governor elections. The 2020 elections
include presidential, class two senators, and governor elections in 11 states
including Missouri and Indiana. The 2021 elections are Virginia and New Jersey
governor elections. The 2022 elections are class three senators and governor
elections in 36 states. The 2023 elections are the same as 2019. The 2024
elections are the class one senators.
Well, that’s about it for this blog post. You
will not see any political posts on my facebook page if you know them from there.
There’s not much else to say. If I get the second season on DVD, posts on it
will appear randomly. Days posts of this blog could appear right now are
Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I hope that I can move all political
stuff to this blog once Madam Secretary ends, although it could wind up in any
blog about a political enough show. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.