Sunday, July 14, 2019


Something that a previous episode clearly alluded to was Law and Order: SVU and an episode of it that didn’t air as it was shelved. I’m wondering if I should try to find a synopsis of it online like I did with No Consequence Day, an episode of Powerless. I think that it might be nice, should I be able to find it. Meanwhile, I love SVU as it is often called as a TV show and recommend it. Just know that it is one of the most grim shows ever and often deals with terrible subject matter.

代的另一个问题是在2014年4月16日的一期中到了特朗普的关税。 关税的影响在很多方面都有所体,并有可能影响未来的选举,例如2018年的中期选举 在一篇名“中美之的意志之”的文章中,它提到“特朗普知道中国的经济很容易受到易行的影响,因它依于它比美国更多,”本期第22 但它警告“特朗普在政治上更容易受到......”他的举动是“害威斯康星州和州的民和企主。”是特朗普在2020年失的关原因 我想我会看到会生什么。

Switching to a completely different topic entirely, you might be wondering what the last episode made me think when they said, “for more of The Good Fight, go to CBS all access.” Well, they were clearly censoring something that they can’t show on the network TV version of what’s going on. It made me think of this video, the Harry Potter Ding Dong song. Enjoy all ten hours sometime if you want to.

For a businessman, Trump doesn’t seem to have as much business sense as you’d think a person should have. For one, the basic idea of paying bills comes to mind. After his self centered “greatness” celebration that happened to coincide with the death anniversaries of three US presidents, he, like many times before, didn’t pay the bill that he’s supposed to.

We all know that he has money from campaigning non-stop. Can’t he use some of that to pay who he needs to? I don’t think that it is a good idea for anyone to not pay bills like that and I’d have to imagine that if Hilary Clinton had done it, Trump would rightfully be criticizing her for not paying the money she’s supposed to be.

Switching topics yet again, the Youth Gathering is going on. I can watch live streams of this online. They first started in 2010, the live streams. (The gatherings go back much further, but I don’t know how far.) In 2013, the first year I couldn’t really go since I’m no longer part of the youth group of my church, I watched the live feeds of them online as they happened. I missed one of them due to seeing a movie with my mother and her parents as that’s when worked best.

Part of the gathering that year took place on the fourth of July. They did the Star-Spangled Banner that day. I do wonder why they didn’t do something like God Bless America which covers both God and country. They could have also done the Battle Hymn of the Republic or other songs that you might find in a hymnal.

The next gathering was in 2016. Two of the live streams aired against the Republican National Convention that year, forcing me, a political junkie, to pick between which of the two to watch. If I weren’t a Democrat, the choice might have been a bit harder to make. But I’d pick the live streams over either convention, to be honest. If this were to happen again, it would be in 2028 when I might have to choose between watching the feed or watching one of the conventions.

This year, I have two shows that I blog about airing at the same time as the feeds are up. If you read my Elementary blog, then you’d know that I already picked the show in order to blog about it later that day as I normally would over the feeds. I am going to make the same choice again today. It’s a shame, too, as I’m sure to get more out of this onetime event than a show I could watch later, but am choosing not to.

There is one last day of the live feed tomorrow morning starting at 9:30 so I recommend that everyone who reads this blog watch it if they can since they are certain to get better morals out that than this show ever could bring.

Act one has Colin talking to Lucca, saying the false information the Elsa had fed this firm in question. There is then a dramatic walk that she goes on to Maia about. We see Mike talking with Spencer and a grand jury about what’s going on. Elsa tries to delete info from her Elsa device, but it doesn’t seem to happen when Mike takes it from her. They learn that Travis might not exist. Mike talks to Maia’s father. He wants to talk to her again. Maia goes over to her or her girlfriend’s place.

Amy and Maia say that they might have to move from their place, but this could be a lie of some sort. Rose Leslie is great at acting. They both turn off their recordings. He says that they are coming after her. He says that a grand jury will try to indict their firm and start in ten minutes by giving them subpoenas. Mike wants to destroy the firm and he only wants them indicted for now. At least two people are given them, Lucca being one of them. Are you allowed to decline them?

Act two has everyone talking about what’s going on at the firm with the other firm going after them. Elsa thinks that their clients could be scared off and the firm would go bankrupt as a result. She feels that Wilbur is the person who can close down the grand jury and is the best way to go on the case. Adrian talks in front of the jury about being an African American firm, as does Barbara, I think.

Marissa wants to learn Italian and come back as a shark in her next life. I think that ABC has a way of doing this. She gets served. Colin’s firm doesn’t like that they had brought race into the trial? Is that what it is? Mike gets served as well. He confronts the odd Elsa about this. She is just wonderful. I might like her more than Rose Leslie as an actress. Is she a starring member of the cast yet?

Act three Elsa talks to the investigator of the firm whose name I can’t remember as I’m not even sure that I know it offhand. The information relates to the Rindall case in question. Colin admits that he’s dating a lawyer at the firm to someone at his firm. He is defense at the case. Adrian is the plaintiff. After some discussion, Colin is not able to dismiss the case in question.

Lucca is brought in as second chair as Adrian takes the stand. On cross examination, there is some talking back and forth as the judge of this case, Judge Gallo, doesn’t like the fact that Mike, the defendant, didn’t show up to the trial. Meanwhile, at the grand jury trial, Marissa keeps bringing up race, much to the annoyance of Spencer. She then gets on her cell phone which shouldn’t be allowed at a courthouse.

Back at the civil case, a new person is on the stand. Elsa seems to think that he might be trying to steal clients or do something bad with them relating to the firm. Colin and Lucca talk after the case is on recess and make out. He admits that he was told to break up with her. But are they really dating? In my mind, since they only seem to have a sexual relationship, they aren’t doing anything that serious, non fuck buddies do. Back at the case, there are more issues and more people are served.

Act four has Mike talking with the two people who are on the stand at the same time for some reason. They talk to Diane, who has been absent from a lot of this episode, and Adrian over the case from the very first episode. The evidence might have been something she could get disbarred over. They bring up mirror puffery as a defense. What is that? I know the ad term puffery, but don’t think that’s the same thing.

Marissa learns that there is a photo tech id number that is important and relates to Diane in some way. Diane says that the lawyers were exaggerating to get people hired in the case. Mike is convinced that there is wrong doing and will bring in Henry, the father of Maia, in order to clear things up at the grand jury.

Act five has Diane talking to Adrian. She feels that she has to resign from the firm. He wants her to fight. Perhaps this will be a good fight? It would make sense since I didn’t know if this had a meaning before. Maia confronts Henry again. He explains some of why he has done what he’s done, in order to help himself. She threatens him with lack of not seeing any potential kids.

After some debate in the court, Elsa calls Henry to the stand. He admits that he was offered a lighter sentence in exchange for his testimony here. I have no idea what is going on with a lot of this Henry stuff and love that I’m not sure that I can tell who is on what side. Mike tells Elsa that it isn’t over after the backlash at the trial, even if it is implied that he might have been lying later to protect Diane. Lucca might have done something bad, at least to Colin, but he still comes to her place.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, Colin’s mom notices the new relationship, Maia continues to have issues with Henry as she stopped talking with him, there might be a power struggle of sorts at the firm, and who knows what else who didn’t already spend their money on seeing this. I’ll see what happens later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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