Sunday, July 28, 2019


There is this YouTube channel that I noticed at one point that covered what The Good Wife was like in terms of legal realism. This video is by Legal Eagle and shows an actual lawyer talking about the first episode of the show in question. Based on just that first episode, it would seem that the show is more realistic than I would believe. But there are all the other episodes that he doesn’t have time to review.

Статья под названием «Мастера шпионов» была напечатана в номере журнала «Время» от 6-11-2018. В ней Джеймс Клэппер и Майкл Хейден рассказывают о постоянных атаках Трампа на всех и каждого. На странице 43 говорится, что Майкл говорит: «Трамп подрывает действительность институтов, на которые мы будем полагаться еще долго после того, как он покинет свой пост». Проблемы, о которых они говорят, которые вызывает Трамп, могут привести к таким вещам, как «правительство крах, гражданская война и диктатура в других странах ». Действительно, многим фанатам Трампа нравится, что он встряхивает правительство, но я хочу, чтобы оно оставалось правительством после того, как он покинет свой пост. Эти два человека в статье убеждены, что Россия повлияла на выборы и вызвала победу Трампа.

So many people seem to have a hard time believing or accepting the fact that Trump is racist. I don’t know why this would be. There’s a whole Wikipedia article about the racist habits of Trump. Despite what this article says, the tweet that you would read by reading this article isn’t dumb so much as it is funny based on how wrong such a thing that they are suggesting is.

By now, some of you know that the Robert Mueller hearing happened. I watched some of the end of it. I don’t think that he helped either side as he seemed to just not answer a lot of questions that he was asked for some reason. I guess that he really is a Republican. Whatever the reason for this, Trump talked about how he felt that what had happened was a great day and great win for him.

After Election Day next year, I have the feeling that upon hearing that the Democrats took control of the Senate and presidency while keeping control of the House, he’ll still think it was a good day for his party. That’s how delusional Trump is. He thinks that things are going great, even when they aren’t. Any bets on how long it will take him to realize that hell is a bad place when he winds up there?

You’d think that election security would be a bi-partisan issue. It may well still be. But it seems that Mitch McConnell will do almost anything to appease the Russians. By now, most of us know that he has connections to them. Where is his dark money coming from? Hopefully not Russia as that would be illegal. (Is any dark money legal?) He is an embarrassment to democracy and I’d love to see him lose the primary.

Since I talked about racism earlier, I might as well get to this post about something that should not be happening in this country. There was a man who was jailed for about a month by immigration officials. This man is a US citizen since birth. Why had this happened? Well, racism is likely the answer, in addition to other horrible issues. Here is an article explaining more.

After Trump’s non-coherent ramblings to teenagers (of whom it should be pointed out often make poor life choices), people noticed something at his rally. Maybe it was that the American flag on the display screen behind him wasn’t working like at the last RNC convention. No, it was the logo that was wrong. I think that someone has since taken responsibility for this, but I don’t know for sure. Maybe this was just a staff mistake as they claim. It could be someone part of the resistance in his administration. I haven’t forgotten that that’s a thing. Whatever the reason, this happened.

Act one is when Maia and Lucca talk before Maia is going into a place. She has to walk past a group of other people where they talk with Sue, I mean Madeline. Lucca is the lawyer of Maia in this case. Maia has to answer truthfully to this agent. Adrian and Diane talk some about a cop from the first case of the season. Todd is a person in the cell that they talk to. But he’s not the brutality victim. Colin Sweeny is. Does this mean that we won’t see the new Colin in this show, Colin Morrello?

Act two has Colin talking to Diane and Adrian about his case. He also talks about the beatings that he intentionally takes by his lover so they don’t get confused. Back in her whatever thing that’s going on, Maia talks about the 2008 financial crisis. She was 17 at the time which would make her character about 26 now since this was set in 2017. Madeline talks more about what went on this day. She was at a doctor appointment before the time that she thinks her Uncle Jack was talking about the case.

Madeline thinks that wishful thinking was turned into actual memories. Is that a thing that happens? Lucca thinks that Maia might be lying in order to protect her father. I don’t think that I’d help a family member get away with a crime. Back with the Colin case, he is given a 3 million dollar bail. Adrian thinks that Colin could actually get this corrupt cop put away.

Madeline thinks that the doctor appointment was a cover for her mother to have sex with her brother-in-law. It is possible that she and Jack were trying to frame Henry for the scam. She doesn’t think that they actually happened, these appointments.

Act three has Barbara and Adrian talk about their infamous client to a lawyer who finds the whole thing funny. On the stand, the cop testifies. Colin says that he doesn’t have any marks on his hands and couldn’t have assaulted this cop. Diane is surprised that he might actually be telling the truth. Lucca learns more about Madeline and how she helped put away George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich. Maia talks about meetings that malaria prevention was going on. Her name was being used for donations, but she never knew what amount of money was being sent.

Diane talks to the cop on the stand about the case at hand. He fought with someone at the gym who was the real reason for the bruise on his hand. Madeline talks more about her eighteenth birthday party where Diane was at. Maia had a boyfriend at the time and either didn’t realize her true orientation or was still in the closet about it. There is a form that Maia might have signed too early and won’t count as a result. She thinks about many things about her life then as a result.

Act four is when Colin’s girlfriend talks on the stand about him hitting the cop of his own free will. Lucca and Maia talk to Madeline some more about Maia’s graduation from law school and living with her girlfriend, Amy. Madeline suspects that there might have been some bad things possibly happening on Amy’s behalf. There was a drug party that Colin went to with his girlfriend that causes more issues.

The team is able to get dash cam footage of that night after asking the judge about it in question. The firm’s investigator looks for a man in a suit. Wasn’t he the character that Jim Caziel played on Person of Interest? Richard is a person brought who might be a witness in the crime. Colin admits that he might have gotten privileges of some sort by donating to Richard. Maia never told her father about Amy’s parents investing in something which makes Maia realize that she might have known about the scam, even if she didn’t realize it at the time.

Act five has Adrian thinking that they have to use the drug angle to win the case. They both seem to like working where they are. Diane might have wanted to retire, but it seems that this show’s writers, I mean life, had other plans for her. Adrian realizes that Todd is the person they need to solve this case. He was given a phony possession charge that was dropped. Colin seems to give him a weird, secret handshake. Maia did not want Amy’s parents to invest in the fund. But she didn’t know why.

Colin didn’t get his ambassadorship that he was wanting. There is some sort of weird disclaimer that the show gives that might have been in Diane’s head. Maia talks her last bit to Madeline. Madeline wants to prosecute Maia.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, Maia has issues, Lucca is taken by the feds, and I can’t tell what else might be going on. Depending on what goes on with my life, I might not be back on this coming Sunday like I normally would be. But I should have the season finale posted sometime next month. I’ll explain more of what will be different in this blog in the next post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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