Sunday, July 7, 2019


After this post, I should be up to date on sharing all of the other blogs that I have at the moment. Since you know that I have and still have a blog about The Good Wife, I still update it with various stories about what is happening with the cast of that show now. Well, I have another blog about a show that ended. That blog is about CSI: Cyber and has a series of cast updates as well. Here’s a link to it.

4 9 일부터 20 일까지의 시간 문제는 34 페이지에서 시작하는 기사에서 올림픽 전에 남한과 남한 간의 온난화 관계에 대해 이야기합니다. 또한 북한과 북한 간의 계획된 정상 회담이있었습니다 우리. 스테이크가 들어갔다. 기사에 따르면 김준 (Kim Jun Un) "돈과 안전" 원했다. "미국과 동맹국 모두가 가난한 보유국을 중립화함으로써 이익을 얻을 "이라고 언급했다. 이번 협상에 대한 잠재적 장애물이 있었지만, 외교는 종종 모든 전쟁보다 외교가 좋은 아이디어였다.

If you haven’t heard it by now, there was an important Oregon vote on climate change that was supposed to go on. It didn’t happen as the Democrats didn’t have enough of their own votes in order for it to happen. The main reason that it was newsworthy was that Republican’ts fled the state ahead of the vote in order to deny an official high enough number of people that would have needed to vote on it.

It is no secret by know that people have accused Trump of rape or other allegations like it. But no one seems to care and people might just feel like women are lying in order to try to ruin the reputation of a man that people hate already. Seriously? All I can wonder is why they are convinced of the guilty of Democrats like Al Franken, but to not seem to find any of their own to possibly be guilty.

What we need nowadays are people of both parties working together. I don’t know why this hasn’t already happened. Here, I included a story about a person who is trying to run for office by getting signatures to get on the ballot. He seems to be doing better than most people are at convincing people to work together.

Act one starts with a person with a green screen background going on a sexist rant about why he feels that women aren’t as good at coding as he is. A man is worried about how these rants will affect his site so he seeks the firm for help. He is glad that he is at an African American firm. There are at least four piles to deal with. Maia is on the phone with her father briefly. The firm deals with how to deal with all of these different people based on what they said and if it is bad enough to get them banned in some way or another.

Maia reveals some rape threats against her based on her scandal. Lucca and Colin talk on the phone with each other. He’s upset that their most important case has issues and is being ignored. His boss says that he is obsessed too much with the cases that Lucca’s firm is doing.

Act two has people continuing to discuss what language means someone should get banned from the site. Marissa talks to the investigator guy about what she needs to do to get a license and be official. Maia talks to her uncle before she cancels what he had planned on the phone since she’s told that he’d be wearing a wire. Back at the firm, there is still a lot of fighting going on over what to do the potential bans. Lucca thinks that there should be an appeal process.

Act three has Maia talking about what Henry, her father, was doing that her uncle had talked about. Elsabeth talks to Maia about this. Aida is the annoying device that this lawyer has. I thought that Aida was an evil robot. Elsabeth says that Maia should give Henry false information or not see him at all. Elsa suggests recording it if she goes through with it. Felix, a man who was banned, goes on a spiel about why he feels that they have their own agenda.

This scene is even weirder than what I’m used to from The Good Wife. Damon is brought in to serve as an example of something too weird. Felix warns that his alt-right team might be against the firm now. Diane notices that these people are keeping their posts limited to twelve when the number to ban people at is thirteen. Lucca is with a man who might be on a date with her, only she gets distracted by Colin who she had sex with again earlier when he stops by now.

Maia then goes to what seems like it might be a party of sorts. This is where she sees her father, mother, and various other people. She does record things and gives the recording to Elsa later. At Elsa’s advice, Maia brought up a made up person named Travis Leopold who is used to bait Henry with. Marissa talks to a man who reveals that Felix has the transcripts of the meetings. But who leaked? Julius seems to be the person that Adrian suspects.

Act four has Felix talking about Delilah, a woman that he wanted to shut down in some way. She gets a lot of threats and terrible words at her. They still think that he had targeted them and their firm. He mentions that there are other people who had attacked him in some way. Neal was the person who put the firm in charge of the case and Felix hints that they might have set them up.

Elsa talks about the info that she told Maia to give and wants to know if Henry was working against them or not. Marissa then goes undercover with the investigator at the firm whose name I can’t remember. They are talking to Felix’s boyfriend. They seek to get information that way. Marissa learns that Neil Gross has been used as a joke of sorts in place of the n word.

Lucca talks to Colin about their relationship and they go out again to a location of his choosing. She kisses him while he is driving a car, which seems kind of dangerous in a way. I think that part of the show was cut out of the network version. But this might have only been someone’s imagination. She is bothered that he is rich. Aren’t most, if not all, lawyers rich? Julius was suspected as the leak and walks out of this place. He briefly talks to someone on the phone, saying that they were right.

Act five has Diane talking to Neil about the lack of censorship going on. He says that they are like savages which I thought was the Native American version of what the n word is to black people. Diane says that Felix is reinstated in the group again. He is actually a bit upset by this. They think they identified the leaker who might have been Neil or someone else that I didn’t quite understand the identity of. Colin mentions to Lucca that he thinks that Travis Leopold gave her firm a bribe.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, Mike is back and a lot is going on as it seems that Henry might learn that his daughter, Maia, had fed him false information. The relationship between Lucca and Colin might be ending sooner than you’d think. I do not know what all will happen with them in the next episode or through the whole series. But I could look up spoilers at one point if I wanted to. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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