Sunday, June 16, 2019


Well, I honestly feel a bit rushed by creating this blog as fast as it is happening now. I knew that I would want to create a blog about this TV show at some point in time, but thought that I would have to wait until I had the first season on DVD in order to see it. I still might want the DVDs of this show later, but I might not need them now that this show has started airing on CBS for free.

I realize that this blog might have some issues with other blogs of mine. For now, I do not see this as much of a problem, though. I’ll mention more of my other blogs throughout the early posts of this blog. For instance, I have a blog about The Good Wife that is still updated with what I call cast updates into what the people from the show are now doing after that show is over. Without that blog, I might not have any interest in creating this blog.

Something that I know might be an issue with them airing this show on TV instead of online is that they aired a lot of content like nudity and swearing and I, for one, will not mind if I miss a lot of the original edit. I don’t want to see nudity in movies most of the time as I want to maintain a certain sense of mystery about things until I am a married man. We’ll see if that ever happens or not.

My name is Adam Decker and I’m a blogger. You may know me from other blogs. If you know that I might like to talk about politics at times, it might be time for me to see a new place to put political stuff in. Well, I’m going to post a warning that I’ll be talking about political things occasionally in this blog. I might even do posts that are completely unrelated to this blog and are purely political in some way. Part of what I will be doing with political parts of posts is posting paragraphs in foreign languages at time. Here’s one to introduce the concept.

Вы видите этот абзац на русском языке, и есть причины, по которым я бы взял информацию из Time, чтобы вставить эти абзацы. Они будут связаны с российским расследованием вмешательства в избирательную кампанию, Трампом, Джошем Хоули, Митчем Макконнеллом и, конечно же, новостями из России. Я также буду публиковать материалы на китайском языке, будь то Бретт Кавано, судебная система США, любые вопросы, связанные с сексом, в которых кто-то может быть обвинен, и истории, связанные с Китаем.

Я также планирую добавить корейский как язык, чтобы публиковать информацию обо всем, что связано с корейским языком. Я также добавляю испанский язык для материала, связанного с целенаправленной стеной, самым длительным закрытием правительства, любыми мексиканскими проблемами и любой страной, связанной с Испанией. Я также добавляю латынь для любых разных целей, для любого и всего, о чем я хочу поделиться из «Времени», которое не соответствует другим категориям.

I will possibly try to get this show on DVD in the future. Whether or not I will get it remains to be seen. I don’t know if they’ll rerun the second season of this show at a later date like they did this first season. I would have bought the DVD of this, but I was not interested in getting this through CBS all access. Perhaps this is the main reason why they are airing all of the first season for free on DVD. I just hope that I do not miss any of this show when it airs as I might not get a second chance.

If they are airing a rerun of the first episode of this show again like I believe that they are, you should know that I have reviewed this before, but will again. If you want to read my first review of this episode, then here is a link of it from a previous blog post of mine. I was hoping that I would see more of this show and it looks like I will get my wish after all.

The only thing left to mention really before I get to the recap is that I’m wondering when I should post this blog. They are doubling up on episodes for the beginning of its airing on TV. But I will put the blog posts on Sundays and some Mondays for now. I will explain how this will affect other blogs later.

Act one starts with Diane watching the inauguration of Trump. A montage is shown of people in their lives such as a red headed woman we’ll find out is Maia. Diane is shown going to a place and checking it out. Maia finds out that she’s a lawyer. Diane wants to resign/retire from her job, wanting to finish out her last case with the team that she figures has too many heads at once. New credits are shown that seem quite different from the first time that this aired on TV a while ago. It turns out that there is a creator to this in addition to the Kings.

Act two has Maia wanting to stick together with a new person here. David Lee greets the new lawyers who are wanting jobs here at the new law firm. Maia doesn’t want to be given any special treatment at her new job. She winds up with a huge bit of flowers and Howard gets confused by her. Maia meets up with Diane. Diane is the godmother of Maia. She wants to pass the baton to her. Diane sees Lucca at the new place. They watch a video of a man, Toby, being beaten by police. Diane thinks that part of the beginning of this video is missing.

Diane wants to figure out a way to settle the case. Lucca thinks that she’s become a cynical person. Maia wonders if they are on the right side of the case. Diane wants to make sure that she knows what is happening with each case as she wasn’t always sure that she got the right details before. Lucca is convinced that Diane wants to end her career with a win which is why she’s trying hard. Diane, meanwhile, is at a retirement party. Maia is concerned that her father is acting odd. While working on the case, Maia realizes that a car might have recorded what was going on.

Maia gets a call from her girlfriend when her apartment is searched. She calls her dad about what is going on. Meanwhile, Diane gets an important call of her own. Maia gets to where her father is being arrested. Diane learns about Henry and learns that there is a scam going on, causing her to lose her retirement money.

Act three has more of the fallout from the case going on. Lucca is with a lover of hers watching the story unfold on the news. Henry, the father of Maia, is in deep water as Rupert, the family lawyer, comes over to talk more about what’s going on. But Maia has to leave with what’s going on. With the usual practice of scapegoating, Maia is blamed for what her father did. Diane looks more at her options about what to do going forward. Her retirement might have to be delayed. Who is this man that she is talking to? I forget.

Diane is told that she might need to finalize her divorce from her husband in order to protect her own finances. Diane then talks to her law firm about staying on, but they do not want to keep her around as they already made plans without her. She wants to take her clients with her, but they don’t know where she’d take them. Maia has a lawyer show up to protect her after she is minorly harassed in an elevator. Diane tries to find other work in the meantime at other places, but doesn’t seem to have much luck at first.

While wondering why she hasn’t found anyone, Diane is told that her connections to Henry and his schemes might be part of the reason why she hasn’t found any new work. She then meets up with her estranged husband, Kurt. Diane points out that Kurt had an affair which is part of the reason why they are separated. She says more of what her current problems are. She thinks that divorce is a better option than if he tried to stay with her with her current problems.

Act four has Maia talking with Diane for a bit. We get to more of the case next as Diane talks to the client in a wheelchair. She doesn’t want to do more right now. Lucca yells at a person after he yells at Maia. Lucca then offers Maia advice. Lucca explains that another person she knew went through a similar problem. Diane is given the car video that she was looking for. She watches it and sees the unprovoked attack by the police officers. Adrian, whoever that is, comes in and asks Diane about joining their firm. I think that he’s the man who was helping Lucca. Diane feels that she can’t help them with this case. But she does want to be a partner and likes his offer. He thinks that she can screw the people back who screwed her.

Act five has Adrian arguing with a woman named Barbra over him potentially giving Diane a potential job with him here. Lucca thinks that Diane should be brought in as a lawyer here. Maia tells her girlfriend to avoid looking online for things in order to say sane. Kurt doesn’t want a divorce from Diane. She doesn’t want her baby to grow up to be a cowboy. Diane leaves her old firm while finishing the case. It seems that Maia is fired from her job as a result of this case. Diane calls Adrian about hiring Maia since she found key evidence in the case. They talk later.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, has Lucca being moved down the hall and Marissa shows up. She’s the daughter of Eli. I think that others who might be part of the cast could be revealed soon. Now my blogs will be updated a lot over the next few days and the next update of this blog will be on Friday. I’m sorry that I can’t bring it here any time sooner. I need to write and get caught up on a lot. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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