As with the previous episode, they are airing
this episode on Father’s Day. Typically, I watch the movie Courageous on
Father’s Day whenever I can. I can get annoyed that they would air new episodes
of shows on certain event days (specifically Mother’s Day more than largely any
others), but I don’t think that I care too much as my late dad wouldn’t really
care what I was doing that day and I have no stepfather or father-in-law to
spend time with on that day instead. There’s not much that I’m missing on TV as
a result that I know of.
В номере Time от 2-12-2018 есть отличная статья под
названием «Как Дональд Трамп сеет недоверие к американскому правосудию». На
странице 9 упоминается, что «доверие американцев к своему правительству упало
за первый год пребывания в должности Трампа, упав до… 33% ...». В нем говорится
о том, как Трамп продолжает пытаться подорвать систему правосудия. Но в нем
говорится, что «не все обвинения в политической предвзятости… обязательно
необоснованны». Далее говорится о том, как возникают проблемы с Джеймсом Коми и
Эндрю МакКейбом. Также упоминается, что люди делали это раньше, поскольку и
Билл Клинтон, и Хиллари Клинтон тоже могли распространять недоверие.
2018 년 2 월 12 일에 발간 된 Time 호에는 핵 계획을 진전시켜 한국인이 취한 잠재적 위협에 대해 이야기하는
The Missile Factory라는 기사가 있습니다. 그들은 미사일을 가지고 있습니다. 러시아가이 미사일을 그들에게 제공했을 수도있다. 이 기사는 김정일의 아버지가 그가 나중에 이끌게 될 나라에 대해 어떻게 핵 야심을 가지고 있었는지에 대해 이야기합니다. 이번에는이 기사에서 다룰 내용이 많지 않습니다.
I was hoping that I could start posting an old
season of Survivor on Sundays in a blog of mine. Only, I’m now using this blog
to post on Sundays for the near future. At least this season won’t be lasting
that long as it has only ten episodes. I realize that I do not have to post only
one blog on one day, but I decided not to post more than one blog on one day of
the week. Still, if you want to read my Survivor blog, here is a link to it
right here.
Act one starts with Maia receiving a lot of
threatening phone calls and she arrives at her first day for work at her new
job. Adrian gives her a rundown of some of what is going on. She is kind of
rushed into things. Diane still has more issues with the scam of the previous
episode revealed. Lucca is told that she’s moving down the hall to a new
office. Diane talks to a woman briefly when Adrian shows up and greets her at
her new job. Barbra talks to Diane about what’s going on. Diane has issues with
her old firm transferring stuff to this firm.
Adrian thinks that Diane needs about two weeks
to adjust. Marissa shows up to where Diane is and drops stuff off. David left
some items as a joke, it seems. Marissa wants to be hired as an assistant for
at least one day, trying to convince Diane that she will not find a better one
in the meantime. Maia shows up to an event and gets confused by some of what to
do. Lucca notices that a lot of people have lined up to where Maia is and wants
to help with her line.
Maia learns that a man wants to go to
arbitration over what he feels is lost wages. She wants to help him and feels
good that this is the first place that she has been to thus far where she
wasn’t recognized for her relation to her evil father.
Act two has more of a case going on. Lenore,
the mother of Maia, shows up. Diane gets outraged over what’s going on. Lenore
feels that she’s innocent over what they are accused of. She wants Diane to
help with her husband’s, Henry’s, case. Maia is brought into arbitration in a
really cramped room. Lucca comes to observe. Maia wants to explain that his
confession was made under duress. False imprisonment is the main issue that
leads them to bringing the case to court.
Act three has Diane visiting Henry. He wonders
if he should plead guilty. He claims that he didn’t do this crime. He thinks
that Jack was behind this. His lawyer, Rupert, was told of this. She admits
that she can’t be objective in this case. Lenore has breast cancer that is
spreading and possibly deadly. Diane says that Maia should be careful about
what to do with her family. The Freedman Method is brought up. What is that
really? I guess that’s what people need to find out.
Lucca tells Maia that the case is being shut down,
but still suggests that she goes through with learning this method. They both
go to a seminar where they learn more of their methods. Lucca thinks that there
is a class action lawsuit available since there are a lot of potential victims
of this. Diane still looks for assistants even though it seems that Marissa
thinks that she’s good for staying on. Retail workers are being brought in as
falsely accused of stealing. Marissa tries to work her angles in order to help
more with the case.
Adrian talks to people about an algorithm about
their case and potential issues with the judge that they have to have to deal
with. He wants to promote Maia to a better position with this case.
Act four has Adrian explaining to the judge
that he needs to recues himself over the case since he lost money in the scam
from earlier. Lucca wants to explain that there is a motion to dismiss and a
new judge proceeds over this. This new judge, Charles, does not really seem to
care much about what’s going on as he seems preoccupied with his sunglasses. Charles
wonders why they kept the employee after he was known as a potential thief when
firing made more sense.
Maia talks to Lenore more about what’s been
going on in her life. Maia wasn’t sure that a cancer scare had gone on. I think
that Maia was using the Freedman Method in order to determine as to whether or
not Lenore was telling the truth. After a man is brought in the case, Maia
brought up the fact that a blank CD lead to their client giving a false
confession that was even banned in various jurisdictions.
Act five has the lawyer ready to wrangle and
they have to decide whether or not they should settle the case in question.
Frank, their client, says in court why he confessed to the crime that he didn’t
do. Frank is drug through the mud based on another job that he left when he was
accused of stealing from there. They lose the case as a result. Maia sees Lenore
with her uncle Jack. Did they have sex? I guess that we might find out more of
what just happened in the next episode.
On the next episode of The Good Fight, Maia
thinks that her father might have been set up. Diane thinks that she is being
treated a bit poorly. Maia meets with a man who is important in some way that
we don’t know how just yet. I guess that we will find out some of what happens
next later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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