Sunday, June 30, 2019


While I’m writing this post introducing you to each post, I’m also sharing links to all of my other blogs. My very first blog is about TV. In it, I talk about various things. It started with me writing reviews of shows on my laptop and wanting someplace to put it so I put a blog with these posts that I randomly updated at random times. Currently, I update it every Tuesday and other days too. Here’s a link to it.

我很知道用什么言撰写关于关税的帖子,但我得中文可能是最好的。 2018319日的时间问题中,他在一篇名“内唐德特朗普与他自己的”的文章中提到了更多关于特朗普的关税。整篇文章在第14关税存在很大的怒。 篇文章甚至提到他的“宣言恰恰是他在2016年向他的民承的那种无耻的中指控。”特朗普提到的其他问题,在未提及的事情中,是他“脱离了” 政策细节,容易分心,并容易受到奉承。“篇文章的主要点是关税不起作用,反共和党的意

El artículo principal en el número 3-19-2018 de Time se llamó Ripped Apart. Habla sobre temas de políticas de inmigración en los Estados Unidos que hacen que las familias se dividan. Esto fue mucho antes de la infame política que llevó a la separación de los niños. De acuerdo con la historia que comienza en la página 36, se deportaron más no criminales bajo Trump que Obama. Habla de los problemas con la aleatoriedad que ahora decide quién es deportado y quién no. No hay mucho más que decir al respecto.

If you are paying attention to the news, you will notice that Iran/US tensions are in the news. I can’t quite tell what all is going on. It may seem that one thing is going on, but maybe things are not as they seem. Remember the Maine? We thought that it was the Spanish who attacked when that ship blew up and we started a war with them under false pretenses as a result.

Now there were issues with ships and it could have been an attack by them, it could have been an accident at a bad time, or it could have been sabotage by the people on the ship to justify starting a war with Iran. After an unmanned drone was shot down, Trump sought to retaliate with a strike that could lead to over a hundred deaths. But he thought better of it. It makes you wonder about other things like this.

Trump has always been hard on immigrants since he first announced that he was running for president. He doesn’t like them, yet has used them in his jobs thus far. They even came to his rally announcing his reelection to remind people of this.

Often, Republicans keep talking about the dangers of socialism. But they never, not once, actually say what socialism is or why they think it’s a problem. They might just use it to describe anything and everything they don’t like, regardless of if something is even remotely close to it or not.

You might remember the terrible child separation policy that Trump started. If you don’t remember some of the details about that, then read here. Trump lies a lot and someone called him out on it.

Act one starts with a show being showed about a potential case. This has to be about the episode Unstoppable of SVU that never aired. In this show, the writer had put this unaired episode of the show online, or part of it at least. The ripped from the headlines story was about an allegation that Trump raped a 13 year old.

Barbara and Adrian talk to each other in the room about what to do. Maia then talks to Mike about the fake news stories about Maia. She’s there with her lawyer. We learn about the fact that Maia saw her father in prison two more times without her lawyer, according to Mike. She confesses that she looked into more of what her father had said. She is now abdicated in more wrong doing, according to her lawyer. What does it mean to abdicate? Do I have the right word? Mike wants to help her father. Well, that’s what he says, at least.

Act two has the team arguing that fair use made posting the episode online okay in some way. Diane talks to her husband when he shows up to her office. He leaves a gift of a gun with her. The episode was censored, in his mind, since the air date was pushed back over and over again then cancelled after Trump won. Nobody got any money for this. The episode was not put on as a political move, according to another witness. The judge rules that fair use does not apply at it is too long since the whole episode of the show was online.

Lucca wants to bring in a surprise lawyer. Diane talks to a person about her new firm. Lucca and Adrian go to where the lawyer is and it is that crazy red headed one. I do know that the crazy red head is a terrible stereotype and only know one real person that fits it. But enough about my ex.

Act three has Lucca talking to Elsabeth. That’s a stupid name, like the resistee. Alicia said that she’s the best lawyer to bring in. An Elsa device is there and goes off. What Elsabeth needs to is figure out what’s going on. Maia sees that her father is out of jail. He returns to see his wife, but these family gatherings remain awkward still.

Diane talks with her husband (I think that’s who it is she’s talking to) about some sort of writing that he’s doing. I’m not sure what’s going on. Adrian and Lucca decline a deal about the case and argue that there were no damages relating to it. Elsabeth sees Mike talking to someone on the phone. She talks to him. But he says something that seems like a threat.

Back in court, Lucca notices that an additional episode was ordered to make up for the one that didn’t air. There’s some guy in the background that I don’t understand. Adrian talks to the lawyer on the other side about the narrow scope of the law. Lucca talks to Colin again. He’s the man from in the background, I think. The client thinks that Adrian is like Perry Mason. Aren’t all TV lawyers in some way? More talking at the firm happens as Mr. Gross from earlier makes his visit to Diane. The lawyers think that their client should settle.

Act four has Elsabeth talking to Maia. Elsabeth thinks that her father was using her in order to get the information and implicate her in a crime. What’s a microt? I thought that’s what they call a second in Farscape. Diane kisses this man from earlier. Is this her husband? I can’t always follow this show. Elsabeth talks with Mike’s wife. They seem to have become fast friends. Mike thinks that Elsabeth snooped through his belongings. He threatens her with disbarment. She reveals that she recorded his threat when he said, “When you go after me professionally, I go after you personally.”

Act five has Adrian talking to the control of media that six corporations have. He tries to reason with the judge. Trump tweets about the case, which makes it more of a First Amendment case. Of course, this is based on the myth that cell phones are allowed in courtrooms, which they aren’t. So many plot points on TV are ruined by those who know such things about how courtrooms work. Lucca and Colin talk some before they wind up making out. They wake up in bed next.

Diane, who has done little in this episode, talks more to her husband who whoever that is about the fact that she’s looking to move soon. Will they move in together? I do not think that this is someone other than her husband. I’m confused. Diane says that a new lawyer wants to work at the firm. She wants to be a name partner. Adrian says that she should be a partner, even though they have to run it by the partnership committee first. I’m sort of glad that they didn’t focus so much on Diane, even if this is her show.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, there are more issues with the Rindall case. Neal might have joined the firm for nefarious purposes. Diane thinks that they are being set up. What will happen for sure? We’ll have to wait until next week to see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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