Friday, June 28, 2019


I might keep track later how far these episodes were delayed from the original airing on CBS “all access” until they aired now. But I now have two shows this summer that I will be watching and blogging about. One of them is this show. The other one is the final season of Elementary. Enjoy a link to the blog here.

북한의 문제는 2 21 일에서 20 일까지의 시간 문제에서 다루어진다. 5 페이지에서부터 문제의 제목에서 "트럼프가 부적절한 위험에 처하게되는"방법에 대해 설명합니다. 나는 그가 일을하는 경향이 있기 때문에 그가하지 않은 좋은 일들에 대해 칭찬을받을 것이라고 확신합니다. 북한과의 거래 방식에는 여러 가지 장애물이있다. 6 페이지에서 "트럼프의 가장 장애물은 자아입니다. 틀림없이 그것은 매우 장애물입니다. "나는 바로 글을 사랑합니다. 우리는 협상 테이블에서 자리를 잃고 싶지 않으며 남한과 한국이 올림픽을 위해 함께 휴전을 갖게되어 기쁘다. 우리는 "북한의 핵은 현실이며 긴장 완화를 위해 일하기 시작했다" 받아 들여야 수도있다.



Act one starts with Maia in an elevator with strange people. Marissa reveals that there is a fake twitter account of Ms. Rindall. A woman talks about her eggs that she had donated that should revert back to her. Does she need to take legal action about it in some way? Adrian talks to Matthew Perry’s character whose name escapes me.

Maia uses Marissa to help track more info on this fake twitter account and it turns out that this person has real nude photos of Maia that we can’t see since this is network TV and not the streaming version. But I’m okay with that, even if Rose Leslie is an attractive actress.

Act two has Diane talking with Mike, the character that Matthew Perry is playing. Marissa tells Diane that they found no record of Laura in the system. Diane talks to the director of the current fertility clinic who was also the director of the old one. Lucca talks to another person about the eggs that are confidentially sealed for reasons that they try to figure out. Laura’s only egg that was left was already fertilized. She might need to fight something.

Maia confronts an old boyfriend over the twitter account since he took the photos of her. He had set up a bot. Meanwhile, a lawyer comes and serves Adrian, Lucca, and Diane to appear before a grand jury.

Act three has Lucca talking with Colin again. She gives him half of her burger. He says that he hasn’t had sex for nearly a year. I’ve gone 28 and counting. Colin wants to share a milkshake with her. She wants to get help from her. Diane meets in court with the codefendants who has the fertilized egg.

Marissa helped Maia with the twitter account, but then Google alerts show up that also spread lies about her. Mike then talks to Diane at the grand jury meeting. There is tenseness going on here. He says that she said something she didn’t while she said he talked about his dead son. Diane thinks that he’s trying to reduce them. What is a quid pro quo exactly? Lucca is trying to avoid a situation like that with Colin.

The trip to London that the one codefendant wants is because the procedure that needs to be done is not approved of here as it would destroy the embryo that Laura has in order to create a new one that wouldn’t have Lee’s disease. But what who owns the embryo in question?

Act four has Colin talking with Mike and another man about his cases. Maia talks to Marissa and Maia’s lawyer starts talking to Ted, Maia’s ex from earlier that I don’t know the name of. Maia’s lawyer says that there’s not much they can do legally, only fake news starts coming up with him based on what Marissa and Maia make up. They agree to drop each other’s news articles. Adrian agrees to help Maia since they look out for each other. Meanwhile, Laura and Diane lose their case.

Act five has Diane talking about her loss. She sometimes regrets not having kids. She talks to Barbara about this. Suddenly, Diane thinks about England about the case at hand bringing it to their authority (or authourity, possibly). Because of this, the judge says that Laura owns the egg and can use it herself.

Maia learns that there are new fake news stories about her based on other spreading what the original person said. Sadly, it looks like it will stay as Mike sees a story about it online. Meanwhile, Maia feels that she should let it go.

On the next episode of The Good Fight, the crazy lawyer that I like it coming back as Mike continues to cause problems for the firm in question. What does he want to do with Maia’s father? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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